
  • Tips For Managing Remote Employees

By : Anannya Chaudhary

Category : Business

: 54
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Aug 30, 2021
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Scenario planning in most organizations focuses on the operational responses required to ensure business continuity. Few of these plans address employees' ability or bandwidth to focus on their work.

As a result of the transition, HR needed to provide managers with particular instructions on guaranteeing that staff is given the adequate support they require to deal with the crisis' emotional roller coaster while remaining productive and engaged. This advice has remained the same. Indeed, now that the problem has lasted so long, it has become much more critical.

Here are a few tips that you must use to manage your remote working employees:


Equip employees.

Ensure that remote work job employees have the technology they require to succeed, including more than simply a phone and a laptop. Do your employees have suitable cameras to join virtual meetings?


Even if you don't have many technologies and collaboration tools, you can empower your staff to work productively from stay-at-home jobs. However, don't presume that individuals are familiar with virtual communications or comfortable in that atmosphere.

Recognize that virtual discussions are unique and will never be flawless, but maintain a professional demeanor and respect for others. Be aware that some employees may find virtual team communications less comfortable and practical, and train them on how and when to escalate ineffective virtual exchanges.

For example, If an issue hasn't been resolved after six emails, the conversation may need to be escalated to a virtual meeting to be determined.


Trust your employees.

Right now, the greatest thing you can do as a manager has suspended your disbelief and put your faith in your people that they will do the right thing, which they will if employers create a supportive structure.

Managers may be anxious and upset that they no longer have constant visibility into their people, but they should not react by micromanaging. Employees will become disengaged and exhausted as a result of this. Don't get caught up in apparent performance issues; once the crisis has passed, you'll have plenty of opportunities to rely on established performance management procedures.


Create clarity.

During the disturbance, role definitions may begin to disintegrate, leaving employees confused about where to focus their efforts. Concentrate on the tasks that staff should be completing. Focus on objectives rather than processes to give employees more clarity, and to increase employee engagement.

Seeing how their job contributes to company goals is one of the top engagement drivers for employees. Working nomads who are confident in the relevance of their position to the organization's performance are less concerned about their job security.


Promote communication.

Manager-employee conversation ensures that communication initiatives aid rather than hinder employee engagement. Employees' comprehension of the organization's decisions and their ramifications during change is considerably more critical for the success of a change program than employees' "liking" the change.

Gig workers get the information and perspective they need via two-way communication with managers and peers, allowing them to express the negative thing they are feeling and feel like they are more in control. Managers can facilitate two-way conversations that focus on a realistic picture of the positive and negative consequences of the present COVID-19 outbreak.


Look out for signs of distress in your employees.

To gain visibility into employees' difficulties and concerns, use both direct dialogues and indirect observations. Make it apparent to employees that you support and care for them at all times.

To enable regular talks between managers and employees, provide managers with information on how to best delicate tackle topics resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, such as alternative work models, job security and prospects, flexible working hour jobs, impact on staffing, and workplace friction.



Employees' desire to be recognized for their contributions increases by roughly 30% during times of disruption.

Adequate acknowledgment inspires the recipient and sends a powerful message to other employees about the types of actions they should replicate.

Consider public acknowledgment, symbols of appreciation, development opportunities, and low-cost benefits as alternatives to monetary rewards. Managers in firms experiencing a slowdown might use this time to provide development chances to staff who would otherwise not be able to do so.


Find a way to collaborate.

One option for managers to remain on top of what their teams are doing is to provide a shared document that monitors job activity. Even when teams are in the office, it's a beneficial exercise and it will help managers refine their expectations and obligations of employees during this rather uncertain period.

Also, try to make efforts in agreeing as a team on acceptable virtual collaboration conduct, such as how promptly to respond to colleagues' communications.


Encourage innovation.

Managers and staff may understandably become more risk-averse as organizations seek refuge in the face of high levels of uncertainty. During chaotic times, there is a natural reluctance among employees to attempt something new.

However, innovation and risk-taking become even more crucial for employee engagement and company success during these times. Constraints on innovation and risk-taking have a particularly disengaging effect on high-potential (HIPO) individuals, who have a higher yearning for these types of chances.

Even if the organization's budget for new investments is limited, managers can emphasize the necessity for incremental innovation and process improvements.


Allow for the sharing of accomplishments while also providing a haven for possible disappointments. Because of the limitations of social distancing, when home-based job employees take a chance and improve their productivity, only a few contacts can help them build on that success. Make an effort to emphasize the importance of employees continuing to grow their activities and make sure any risks are worth taking.


Make your expectation clear.

Your employees may be bewildered by the abrupt change in the work environment. As a result, you must keep your expectations at the forefront of your mind. This also aids in the proper management of their workforce as a service. Whether you're making new plans for your remote workers or establishing new parameters, make sure you communicate them regularly.

This would enable a smooth flow of communication, assist in resolving misconceptions, and increase productivity.

If you like, you can hold weekly meetings with your entire team. In the end, it's up to you; whichever way you choose, making sure your remote team understands what's expected of them is critical. Because you will not be working in a physical office, make sure the process is straightforward and precise. 


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