By : Oindrilla Majumdar
Category : Resourcing
We all have heard about resumes. But have you ever heard about Video Resume? This word is trending in the industries, especially knocking on all the HR doors more than we can comprehend. But the question is, what is a video resume?
A video resume is a short video or a clipping of 2-3 minutes long by a candidate looking for employment or a promotion, uploaded to various Job-related websites. Creating a video resume is not difficult as selfie video can be made easily. Some even attach the video in their emails for prospective clients and employers to review with their portfolios and written resumes. But what’s the difference between video resumes and written resumes?
Well, a video resume acts as a detailed supplement to the existing resume. It will be wrong for us to say that video resumes are replacing paper resumes. Yes, it is true that in a video, the candidate speaks about their skills and experiences in a better way, personalising the resume, Still, it won’t be replacing the written resumes anytime soon. So, why is Video resume are now such a rage in the corporate industries?
With shift sudden shift of businesses, we have seen how almost everything is done online. Whether it’s a meeting or a job interview, you can do everything from the comforts of your home. Also, it is quite tiresome to conduct mass interviews in a short period of time, to understand who the candidates are.
Why video resumes are raging?
With video resumes, the first part of the interview gets done easily. The employers get to know about the candidate much better. The first round of introductions is done without any hassle. Also, the employers get to know in detail about their skills and experiences from the candidates’ perspectives in a better way. Also, paper resumes are constant. You do not change resumes in short periods when you are applying for the jobs. But you can change a video resume according to the job targets.
For example, you have both a degree in engineering and designing. The company you are applying for is an advertisement agency. Now, a paper resume may not explain your niche adequately. Still, through a video resume, you can explain how your degree, especially the degree in designing, suits the best for their company. Your profile becomes a tailor-made profile and increases the chances of you getting the job.
Video resumes can’t solely decide whether you will get the offer or not but it sure increases your opportunities and avenues.
Need for a video resume
Do you need a video resume? Is it mandatory?
No, it is not. Creating a video resume is an option. Well, many companies still don’t request a video resume from job seekers. Many companies still prefer traditional resumes but many have stated that they liked video resumes more since it makes the whole profile quite personalised.
This matters on the type of industry you are looking for jobs in. If you belong to a creative field and apply to companies that deal with art and creativity, then a video resume is your best option. A video resume gives you a chance to highlight your valuable skills. If you are an actor, you can attach a clip of your mock acting, mimicry, etc. to your resume. Or if you are a graphic designer, you can attach a video about how you work, your methodology, and explain your experiences that influence your creativity.
Another industry is the Managerial and Sales department that loves video resumes. A video resume is also an excellent way to show off your personality and confidence. The employer gets a chance to see how you will enact when sitting in a Client-facing role. Your video of five minutes should be enough to showcase your talents and your charming personality.
A video resume will be a window to your job roles.
But if your job profile is not visual, then you do not need a video resume. For example, if you are a coding professional, then the employer will be interested in your experiences and your portfolio. How you do visually won’t matter to them.
You need to take a pause before you make a video resume. There are some pointers that you must consider before you shoot for a video resume. Kindly keep this point in mind, that once you share your video resume on the internet, you have almost no control on how it is shared around. So, ensure that the video is neither unprofessional nor inappropriate that will act as a hindrance to your job search. A video resume along with a paper resume can increase your chances of getting noticed but equally presents a loophole that may act the opposite of what you want.
Take time before you shoot for your video resume.
1. Time to be Professional:
A video resume is a part of your interview. So, dress how you will appear for a professional interview. Do not wear casual or revealing attire in the video. Also, avoid any kind of informal jokes and slang. Ensure that you don’t crack jokes or comment on anything which will be deemed as unprofessional like casual sexism, racism, casteism, etc.
2. A monochrome background:
Nobody will like to see a noisy or a shabby background in your video. Ensure that you shoot your video is a calm place with a clean background. A white wall works the best but if you can invest, then you may choose to buy a small green screen. Also, take care of the lighting.
3. Script it out!
Now, we are not asking you to write a script for a movie. But you have to jot down the points and make a proper chronology of what you are going to talk about in the video. The video needs to be specific, crisp, and to the point. You don’t have to shoot an advertisement or even make a clumsy video of you stammering or forgetting the lines. So take your pen and paper. Start writing that oscar-winning script now!
4. Brief! Brief! Brief!
Employers don’t have time to listen to your novellas. So, you only get 2-3 mins maximum to win the employers over. So, ensure that the whole video is extremely crisp and brief.
We hope that the article helps you with your next video resume. Check out now for freelance job opportunities globally.
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