Vishal (RID : 6v6vlvdgqbk5)

  • Quality Analyst
  • New Delhi, India


₹ 183,000 (Monthly)


5 Years



Work From



Selenium 3.14 Appium 1.22, Re



A Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)


Profile Summary



  • Overall 4.7 years of experience in Automation Testing.
  • Developing Test Script for Regression testing using Selenium Webdriver (Frameworks – Key driven, BDD), TestNG, Maven and Java.
  • Developing the KD - framework using Maven (for getting pom.xml), Page-Object Model (for re-use code), Converting into Test-NG (for running in-demand classes, method), for Reports and using Test-NG annotations, based on packages by Base, Pages, Test-scripts, Trigger, Utilities.
  • Developing the Cucumber (BDD) – framework by Step-defination, Runner file, Feature file and using hooks, tags, features, Dry run, Cucumbers option.
  • Proficient in Jenkins-continuous integration tool with Eclipse POM.xml (Surefire and Testng) and taking the code from Github for Triggering from the client end.
  • Able to able connect the project with Git-hub repository. (
  • Able to develop the Automation Test-Scripts for the Mobile Automation Testing using Appium Server (Appium Mobile Automation Testing).
  • Set-up the Appium in Window OS, MacOS with Appium Server, Appium Inspector (For finding locators), Android Virtual Device (AVD – for running app in Virtual environment) and iOS Simulators, Real Device connection (For real environment), Android SDK and Appium WebDriverAgent, Eclipse with Java client jars.
  • Able to develop the Automation script for the API using Rest-Assured Framework and Java language.
  • Rest-Assured Framework in which performing Serialization and Deserialization using POJO. And, performing verification using methods of Hamcrest lib.
  • Able to verify the API using POSTMAN by API chaining (By Global variable).
  • Able to develop the Crash Report using adb commands and cmd (by Virtual device or Real Device).
  • Checking mobile API response using Charles Proxy tool, and debug the issue whether they are realted to Backend or Frontend.
  • Able to automate the test-cases with Appium Server and Remote Devices using BrowserStack(By Particular Username and Access Key with specific desired capabilities).
  • Able to use API monitoring tool Grafana for API monitoring.
  • Able to do Locad testing using Jmeter and Blazemeter, in which recording the API response of pariticular flow using blazemeter and then, integrate with Jmeter for increasing load.
  • Automate the Angular based webapp test-cases using Protractor tool, VS code(IDE) for JS, Jasmine Framework, ChromeDriver.
  • Open to learn new technologies at any point of time and try to read & learn according to the market trends.


Professional Experience



  • At present working  as Quality Analyst (Automation)

August 2021 – present (Hybrid).


  • Employed with Velocis System, Noida (Work Location: Ministry of Finance) as Software Engineer.

(Mar2020 – Oct2020) – Contractual (Corona Pandemic Layoff)


  • Employed in UpDoer Independent Software Testing Company as Associate QA

(From September 2018– February 2020). - Permanent Position





Desktop Operating Systems:           Windows and MAC OS (10.12: High Sierra).

Mobile Operating System:               Android (Froyo – Above All), iOS (iOS 16 – below all).

Automation Testing Tools:              Selenium 3.14, Appium 1.22, Rest-Assured, TestNG, Mabl-AI and ML based Automation Tool, Protractor.


Automation Framework:                 Keyword-Driven Framework, Behavior Driven Development (Cucumber).

Bug Tracking Tool:               &nbs

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