Tosucceedinanenvironmentofgrowthandexcellenceandearnajobwhichprovidesmejobsatisfaction andself-developmentand helpmeachievepersonal aswellasorganization goals.
Web Technologies / Tools /Languages
ASP.NET C#, MVC, Web API, LINQ, Entity Framework, Web Service,WindowsService,CSS,HTML,JavaScript,JQuery,CasperJS, SSRS,
FusionCharts,ElasticSearch, .NetCore
FrontEnd:MVC,Angular7 TeamMembers:6
BackEnd :MSSQL2012,Web API, AzureBlobStorage,JobsandPushnotification
LMS is a multi-tenantloanmanagementsystem. Customercan easily apply for loanapplicationand sign documents digitally. CSR user can manage customer, loan applications and loans. CSR can processapplication based on customers employment, fraud details and compliance check. LMS provides automatictask generation at different level of application progress so based on roles user can process further andoriginate loan.
FrontEnd:MVC,Angular7 TeamMembers:3
BackEnd:MSSQL2014,Web API,Azurefunctions,AzureJobs
FindCRS helping the people to find certified agent to buy or rent properties in near by locations. Itis providing functionality to search agent bytheircertifications (AHWD, e-PRO, SFR, NAR, MRP, RSPS),companies served, active since and other criteria’s. also, user can post requirement details so appropriateagent can contact him. Agent can find customer to whom they serve or they can refer another agent as wellto get referral bonus. FindCRS providing dashboard and notification to Agent to manage their activities andpostadvertisementaswell.
FrontEnd:ASP.NET MVC TeamMembers: 12
BackEnd:MSSQL 2012,Web API, ElasticSearch,CasperJS
PDSis productwhichhelpsusersto update&marketing thedigital media’slike Movies, TVEpisodes or TV Series on different retailer platform at the same time with less effort. It’s very useful toupdate row data’s in bulk for any time periods. User can also add and schedule multiple media data on thedifferentretailer platform atsame time. Once user add/update data, tool automatically add/update datarealtimewithinvery lesstimecompareto humanefforts.
FrontEnd:ASP.NET/C# TeamMembers:3
This application redefines and simplifies the way usermanage their fleet. Fleet managementsystem provides graphical trends, live dashboards, automated alerts and powerful reports. Gain completecontrolofuser’sfleet-logistics,tracking,financials,maintenance,acquisition,replacement,disposal,customers,suppliers,stock, staff,rentalsandsomuchmore.
FrontEnd:ASP.NET/VB TeamMembers:4
Back End: MS SQLReportingTool:Izenda
ThisprojectconsistsofdifferentmoduleslikeAccident,RiskAssessment, Hazard,ChemicalManagement,StaffMaintenance, Infectioncontrol,Suggestion,Survey/Assessmentand Reporting.
FrontEnd:ASP.NET/C#,Web service Team Members: 6BackEnd:MS SQL
Reporting Tool: ItextSharp, NPOI, Fusion ChartsWebTechnology:JavaScript
This project helps people to calculate EMF at mobile towers surrounding areas. User cansubmit their readings and generate reports accordingly calculation or they can import bulk data/photos togenerate excel/pdf reports for mobile sites. They can also do the survey within specific area and calculatemagnitudebasedonDOT (departmentofcommunication)rules.
FrontEnd:ASP.NET/C#,WebService Team Members: 3BackEnd:MS SQL
Purpose of this project is for calculate accurate (% of) voting at a time. Booth responsible canupload insert data/bulk data by Excel. Booth agent can check data/status of voting. Assembly admin cancheckboothreportsunder themandMLAcancheckall reportsofallbooths.
FrontEnd:ASP.NET/C#,WebService TeamMembers:3BackEnd:MS SQL
Reporting Tool: NPOI, ItextSharpWebTechnology:JQuery
Purpose of this project is for get automation in the process of Site Inspection data collection,upload & analysis. Users can do inspection of site with real time location tracking (using GPS technology) andalso cangenerateReports.
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