Vinod (RID : sbosl1lv2fbl)

  • Ruby On Rails Developer
  • Jaipur, India


$ 20.00 (Hourly)


7 Years


1 Week

Work From



Ruby 1.8.x 1.9.x, 2.x and allJavaScriptPostgresMySQLSqlite3MongoDBROR



To become a successful professional in a highly competitive technological world where performance is rewarded with new challenging responsibilities and to serve

a reputed growth-oriented industry in the field of Design, Development, and Maintenance.


 MasterofComputerApplication, RajivGandhiTechnicalUniversity, Bhopal, India


 Around 7 years of relevant experience as a frontend and backend web developer in IT Industry.

 Extensive experience in website deployment and web hosting.

 Rich work experience in Backend web development using Ruby on Rails.

 Hands in advanced web technologies like Ajax, Javascript, and jQuery.

 Good understanding of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Design Patterns.

 Working knowledge in Relational Database Systems like MySQL PostgreSQL.

 Good analytical and programming capabilities coupled with excellent decision-making skills.

 Dedicated and highly ambitious to achieve organizational as well as personal goals.

 Excellent team player and ability to perform well under pressure.


 Ruby 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 2.x, and all the latest version

 JavaScript (jQuery, CoffeeScript).

 Postgres, MySQL, Sqlite3, MongoDB

 Digital Ocean, Transip, AWS

 Passenger, Unicorn, Puma

 Github, Gitlab, Code commit, Bit bucket

 Trello, Jira, Asana

 HTML,CSS, Ajax, Bootstrap, HAML, Slim

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