Career Objective
Results-oriented professional web developer having 3.5 year’s experience aiming to
leverage acquired practical knowledge and proven creative thinking, multitasking, and
organisational skills to successfully fill the Web Developer role at your organisation.
Frequently praised as focused by my peers, I can be relied upon to help your organisation
achieve its goal.
Programming Languages
Frameworks & Libraries
Asp.Net, MVC, .Net Core, Entity Framework, Basic Of React
Other Skills
Azure DevOps, Microservice Architecture, Docker,Nop Commerce, Payment Gateway,
SMM Gateway
MS Visual Studio, MS SQL Server 17, IIS, GITHUB
2012 to 2015 - 60.85%
Project: Master Class Booking
Technology and Tools: .NET CORE MVC. Identity Framework, Angular
Description: This is an application in which the Creator creates customer workshops.
Workshops can be either paid or free. Customers can register and book for the workshops and
pay the fees online. After successful payment, the workshop session link is sent to the
customer's email. Using that link, customers can join the workshop.
Features: -
1. Manage the customers
2. Manage the Creators
3. Manage the Workshop
4. Book the Workshop
Responsibilities: -
● Created and Rest API with for frontend
● Implemented GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods in this
● Created Full stack admin panel
● Create, Read, Update, delete all operations are done in this.
Project: MR (Medical Representative) Application
Technology and Tools: .NET CORE MVC Identity Framework, Angular
Description: This is an application to manage the MR of the medical agency. This is an
admin panel that helps to manage MR and assign the task and their work.
Features: -
1. MR login via the app.
2. Create a tour to visit the doctor.
3. Create Day Plan, patch plan
4. Create an Expense for a tour which is approved by the admin.
Responsibilities: -
● Created and Rest API for frontend mobile app developers.
● Implemented GET, POST, PUT, DELETE method in this
● Work on Admin Module Also
● Create, Read, Update, delete all operation is done in this
Project: Asset Management
Technology and Tools: .NET MVC 5, Identity Framework
Description: This is an asset management company Admin panel website. If an asset
produces any fault, then it is assigned to the different vendor to correct the fault. Each vendor
has their login and they generate an invoice of their work. Invoice will be approved by the
Features: -
1. Company Asset maintenance and fault clearance.
2. Generate Invoices and Approved by Admin
3. Manage and Maintenance the Asset and Product
Responsibilities: -
● Created and Rest API for frontend mobile app.
● Implemented GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods in this
● Created Full stack admin panel
● Create, Read, Update, delete all operation is done in this
Project: Ng Light Installation
Technology and Tools: .NET WEB API 6 (Service Oriented Architecture)
Description: This application is for vendors who install light on the specific site. Vendors
will upload the design and architecture of the site. This application helps them to manage the
quantity of the instruments and inventory required to install light at specific sites.
Features: -
1. Help them to manage inventory required at the site.
2. Create Notes for the sites.
Responsibilities: -
● Created and Rest API for frontend mobile app.
● Implemented GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods in this
● Create, Read, Update, delete all operation is done in this
Project: Agricore
Technology and Tools: .NET WEB API 6 (Microservice Architecture) and React JS
Description: This application is for a vendor. This application helps to get a licence for
purchasing and selling agricultural products at the open market for two states California and
Florida in the USA.
Features: -
1. Helps vendors to get a licence for purchasing and Selling products.
2. They will share a query and the application will respond to them.
3. QNA Module will be implemented to help vendors.
4. Providing all the Information regarding the licensing process.
Responsibilities: -
● Created and Rest API
● Also working at front end Side
● Implemented GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods in this
● Create, Read, Update, delete all operation done in this
Project: Retail APP
Technology and Tools: .NET WEB API 6 (Microservice Architecture)
Description: This application is an e-commerce mobile app. From this app, retailers can
purchase different types of products in bulk wholesale for their shop and generate invoices to
retailers and also monitor and transport them to the shop. Retailers can monitor the transport
all over the way.
Features: -
1. Selling wholesale products to retailers.
2. Online payment Transaction.
3. Also give real time information of the delivery via maps.
4. Supply chain monitoring done.
Responsibilities: -
● Create Rest API
● Implemented GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods in this
● Create, Read, Update, delete all operations are done in this.
Project: School Olympiad
Technology and Tools: Asp .Net Web Form
Description: This application is an E-learning project. In this project students register for the
Olympiad. Students register for the Olympiad exam and pay online. Username and Password
is sent to email with exam date and time. Then at a particular date they can login and take the
Features: -
1. Manage the Registered Customers.
2. Students can enrol themself in different Online tests present in the application.
3. Applicants can take a mock test before attempting the real online test.
4. Applicants can prepare themself from the study material present on the web.
5. Admin panel to manage the customers, Online test and Study Material.
Responsibilities: -
● Improving the online test performance issue.
● Integrate the razor pay payment api for online payments.
● Implemented the certificate module after the student took the online test.
● Create, Read, Update, delete all operation is done in this
● Fixing the bugs of the application
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