Vaishali (RID : w2s2l2ixoh9j)

  • Android Developer
  • Jaipur, India,


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


3.5 Years



Work From



JavaKotlinAndroid StudioHTML5JavaScript



 Developed the application from specifications and requirement gathering.

 A Mobile Application Developer with having 3.5 years of experience in android mobile app Development, Application Maintenance & Support, and Project Execution

 Developed native Android applications and frameworks using Kotlin and Java

.  Worked on MVC& MVP Architecture in android.  Expert atJava SDK design functionality, including the full activity lifecycle

 Collaborated with designers, engineers, and product managers to build great experiences.

 Involved in the full life cycle of the project including analysis design, development,debugging, testing, and deployment.

 Clear and concise writer of communications and development documentation

 Defined and implemented robust app architectures and complex user interfaces.

 Sufficient experience in implementing Activities, Intents, Services, and Broadcast Receivers.

 Rich work exposure Extensive experience in Fragments, AsyncTask, ListViews, ListActivities, ArrayAdapter, and Customized Adapter. Extensive experience in Android build-in components (Location, Camera, MediaPlayer, and Bluetooth) and Content Resolvers/ Content Providersfor various purposes

 Proficient in database development using SQLite.

 Worked with web servicesthat used JSON, XML Parser.

 Worked with AsyncTask for Asynchronous

 Downloaded user’s data and backed it up in SQLite Database for a responsive displayand also offline viewing.

 Hands on experience in Kotlin


Project Name: Rakun

Description: Rakun is an online tailor booking application. Customers are able to check nearby tailors with their service and rates. Tailors are able to set up their profile and their rate card. Customers can also refer the app to other customers and get a reference earning in their wallet and that wallet can be used atthe time of booking

Project Name: Woof

Description: Woof is a dog dating application. Dog owners can find their similar interests and also connect with them. Dog owners also get vendors’ details for their dogs like vet clinics, playgrounds, dog schools, dog food, and insurance related vendors. Dog owners can also chatwith each other and post photosfortheir dogs.

Project Name: Geteztruck

Description: Geteztruck is an online truck booking application. Customers will be able to book a truck (lorry) based on their requirement in size of length, width, and weight. The application will show truck drivers based on their requirements. Customers can choose a truck driver and make payment for booking. The Stripe payment system is integrated with this application. After completion of delivery truck drivers get their earning balance. They can also make a transfer request fortheir earningsinto the bank.

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