Unnam Venkata (RID : 6v6vlsk7fct2)

  • Power BI developer
  • Guntur, India


₹ 173,000 (Monthly)


7 Years



Work From






 Having around 7.10 years of total Experience in IT Industry with Primary FocusonBItoolUsing Power BI.

 Having around 6.6 Years’ experience in developing Reports/Dashboards inPowerBIandexperience on SSAS and SQL.

 Experience in connecting with multiple data sources like SQL Server, Power BI Datasets,data flows, Snowflake, API and Excel from Power BI to build complex Datasets.

 Extensively worked on performing the ETL Activities in Power Query. GoodExperienceinfiltering the Unwanted Data, add column, split column, pivot column, unpivot column,changing data type, Merge queries and Append queries in Power Query.

 Good Knowledge in doing Data Modelling in Power Pivot Model. Experienceonunderstanding DAX Functions in Power BI and created calculated columns measuresandNew Tables using DAX Expressions.

 Good knowledge in different Categories of DAX functions like Time IntelligenceFunction,Filter Functions, Date Functions, Logical Functions, Text Functions, Number andStatisticalFunctions for creating new information.

 Extensively worked in Power View for Presenting the Data in Graphical FormatusingDifferent Visualizations in Power BI like Matrix table, card, Area Charts, treemap, Line,stacked bar chart, Stacked column chart, Donut chart, Waterfall chart, GaugechartandFunnel chart and custom visualizations (Dual KPI, Bullet Chart)

 Having valuable experience with Visual level, Page level, Report level andDrill Throughfilters for filtering the data in a Report. Good Experience in Creating HierarchiesandDrill-down Reports.

 Good knowledge on Power BI Service for creating APP Work spaces andaddingtheMembers to APP Workspace to Manage the Content. Experience in publishingtheReportsto Power BI Service and setting up the Necessary connections. Extensive ExperienceinCreating the Dashboards using Multiple Reports.

 Worked on On-Premise Data Gateway to Refresh and Schedule Refresh theDataintheDatasets.

 Hands on Experience on writing SQL Queries as part of prepare or testing thedata.

 Worked on DML/DDL operations along with Joins, group by, having by, set operators,views, procedures, triggers etc. on SQL Server.

 Created a tabular cubes and deployed in on premise server, as part of it createdroles,perspectives, translations and partitions.

 Worked on SSRS reports, created a reports with parameters, cascading parameters, drilldown, drill through reports and deployed in Report server and configuredthesubscriptions.

 Worked on SSIS projects, configured the source system with SSIS and loadedthedataEDW and populated the data dimension and fact tables, as part of it used multicast, lookupvalue, merge, union-all, derived column transformations.

 Knowledge on Data Warehousing Concepts like Start Schema, SnowFlake schema, factanddimensional tables and software development life cycle.

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