Trushty (RID : 1eq46l970cqqr)

  • Angular Developer
  • Noida


$ 17.46 (Hourly)


3.5 Years



Work From



AngularREST APIssoftware UIAngular 7JavaScript Bootstrap


Total 3.5+ years of experience in developing dynamic web, admin panel, and software projects. Well-versed in numerous programming languages, including JavaScript, Angular, State Management, and TypeScript.
● Design and develop UI for the ERP system and integrate REST APIs with the software UI
● Handle API response data and display it properly to the User with proper UI.
● Responsible for migration of the application from Angular 7 to Angular 10. Conduct system analysis, and contribute to updating several NPM packages, and other external libraries used in the application according to Angular 10
● Responsible for major and critical bugs fixes, while migration from the old version to the newer version, and also in charge of R&D and code optimization in the application
● Responsible for the implementation of new features such as custom grid, dynamic forms and changes in the old structure of the application, also need to ensure the code according to the latest trends, such as uses of Async await, chaining of promises, callbacks, factory-based patterns.
● Modify and maintain existing systems for adaptation to business, and or technology changes.
● Frontend Development for apps.
● Highly Qualified senior web and admin panel software developer. Specializing in the frontend, backend, state management, real-time data transfer, and business logic development.
● The key technologies I most like for the front end are Angular, Typescript, Material, Bootstrap, and many other JavaScript libraries and tools.

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