● Software developer having sound knowledge and experience with JavaScript, React.Js, Redux, React Native, HTML, CSS, Three.js (React three fiber).
● A motivated self-learner & also an effective team player.
● React.Js
● OS (Windows/Linux)
● React Native
● Software (NetBeans, Eclipse, VS Code,
● Three.js (React three fiber)
Android studio, Visual studio, Adobe
● Java Swing
Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Canva)
● MySQL/MSSQL server
● Programming Languages (C, C++, C#, Python, Java)
● Web Language (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
● Bachelor of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) – Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Medicine Sheba
Medicine Sheba is a medicine delivery cross-platform application in which people can order necessary medicines and get them delivered in front of their door in an emergency.
Environment/Technologies: React Native, Nodejs, MongoDB
Project Role: Project Planning, Mockup design of the UI, Coding and development, Connecting with backend
Crime Management System (CMS)
CMS is a crime management system by which law department can manage their stuff like writing a complaint, managing cases, custody information, police info, etc.
Environment/Technologies: Java Swing, MS SQL Server
Project Role: Project Planning, Mockup design of the UI, Coding and development, Connecting with backend
Shop Me
Its an ecommerce app built with React Native through which people can buy their necessary stuff from the app.
Environment/Technologies: React Native, Redux
Project Role: Project Planning, Mockup design of the UI, Coding and development, Connecting with backend
Police Assistant
This is an android application through which the law departments can get help from the people around them. They can post status providing information of the criminal and photo and the user can see it in the application. If someone sees the criminal they can inform from the app and gets a reward for correct information.
Environment/Technologies: Java, Android Studio
Project Role: Project Planning, Mockup design of the UI, Coding and development, Connecting with backend
The main purpose of this project was property buying and selling but there was a unique feature which is 3D model view and interaction. Whoever wants to buy a property or a unit of the property can view and interact with the 3D model and also can filter out the units of the model with different filter options like square feet range, price range, bedroom and bathroom counts, directions, availability etc.
Environment/Technologies: React, React three fiber.
Project Role: Showing 3D model on web view, showing model from different camera angle, Animation with GSAP, Interaction with the model using filters, Filtering out specific units. Assigning different colors for filtered units
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