Tanvinder (RID : 13evlbfgaq1p)

  • DevOps Engineer
  • Chandigarh, India


$ 15.87 (Hourly)


8 Years



Work From



DevOpsGCPAWSDockerJenkinsCI/CDSonarqubeGoogle Cloud build


Sr. DevOps Engineer

  • A dynamic, team-spirited and performance driven professional with 8+ years of experience as DevOps engineer.
  • Strong reasoning and troubleshooting skills coupled with confident decision making.
  • Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals.

Technical summary and skill sets

  • Hands-on experience working in AWS, GCP and in setup, configuration, upgrade, maintenance, and troubleshooting of servers running on different Linux platforms like CentOS, Ubuntu etc
  • Hands on experience in setup, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of LAMP/LEMP servers.
  • Good understanding of file systems like NFS, XFS, EXT4 etc.
  • Strong knowledge of Shell/Bash scripting to shorten the time for repeated tasks.
  • Good understanding in User account management
  • Good understanding on virtualization techniques Like – ESXI, Virtual box.
  • Good understanding on containerization technique Like – Docker.
  • Proficient in AWS services like VPC, EC2, S3, ELB, AWS-SNS, EBS, RDS, IAM, SES, KMS, CloudWatch, AWS-SSM, Site-to-site VPN, Subnets, AWS- load balancers, AWS Data-sync, EFS, Amazon DMS, lambda, elastic beanstalk, cloud formation.
  • Created NAT gateways and instances to allow communication from the private instances to the internet through bastion hosts.
  • Used security groups, internet gateways and route tables to ensure a secure zone for organization in AWS public cloud.
  • Created and configured elastic load balancers and auto scaling groups to distribute the traffic and to have a cost efficient, fault tolerant and highly available environment.
  • Strong understanding of Apache Proxy, Nginx.
  • Worked on setting up source code management tools like GIT/Gerrit, Gitlabs and bitbucket.
  • Experience in CI/CD tools like – Jenkins, AWS code pipeline, Google cloud build, cloud run.
  • Experience in declarative pipelines to automate the deployment process.
  • Configuration and setup Sonarqube scanner to scan the vulnerabilities in code and to provide the code coverage report.
  • Building log aggregation and resource monitoring tools like Graylog and Nagios stack and AWS cloudwatch.

Projects Executed

Client : Earnnest.me

Domain : Finance (Trading platform)

Environment : GCP, Linux, Windows

Duration : March 2021 – 22

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Migrating the monolithic applications from AWS EC2 machines to GCP kubernetes cluster.
  • CI/CD pipeline creation for building and deploying the code inside the cluster using helm charts
  • Troubleshooting the daily issues related to docker, permissions, Kubernetes Cluster, IAM role and other library related issues.
  • Automating the daily tasks using the shell script.
  • Supporting the Dev team for releasing the product in given timelines.
  • Having hands on experience with IAM, Compute, API, API gateway, GKE, google cloud build, GCR and GS.

Client : Psizer

Domain : Pharma

Environment : AWS, Linux, Windows

Duration : July 2017 - Feb 2021

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Creating shell scripts for automating tasks, like Monitor logs (email notifications for errors in logs, checking the accessibility of web pages, find and delete/update required files from the production server, restoring backups to check integrity.
  • Create an automatic build job (from git branch) and deploy jobs on Jenkins, for the production environment.
  • Learning and implementing Docker & Kubernetes for managing containers and microservices.
  • Implementation of company policies, technical procedures, and standards for preserving the integrity and security of data, reports, and access for ISO 27001 Certification.
  • Implementation of "deployment tracker" document to keep track of deployments, on production servers.
  • Setting up the deployment pipelines from Git and Jenkins.
  • Setting up repositories in Git/Gerrit and then made branches for different teams as per requirement.
  • Ensures business continuity by designing disaster recovery systems.
  • Resolving issues and escalated problems with knowledgeable support and quality service.
  • Maintaining a flexible schedule and responding to after-hours and weekend emergencies in a timely manner.
  • Providing continuous maintenance and development of bug fixes and patch sets for existing applications.
  • Infrastructure Development on AWS by employing services such as EC2, RDS, Cloud Watch, VPC etc.

Client : AT&T

Domain : Telecommunication

Environment : Linux/Unix, Mysql

Duration : Apr 2015 – July 2017

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Creating change requests and root cause analysis reports.
  • Incident management and defect management.
  • Creating and sending Daily, Weekly and monthly task status reports to clients.
  • Resolves various errors that the user faces while contract submission using Putty.
  • Always in direct contact with the client's Development team, system engineering, and system testing teams.
  • Generate and execute SQL Queries to access data from the database.
  • Worked on triage and outages and provided Troubleshooting by reaching out to Developers and other applications.
  • Responsible for engaging Teams for Deployments on different applications and servers for upgrading the systems.
  • Writing shell scripts for automating daily tasks.

Education Details

    • B.Tech - 2014
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