DevOpsJIRACode Quality IAC ToolsApplication Servers SCM ToolsCloud Technology AWS Kubernetes JenkinsTerraformDescription
- Hands-on Experience in using Version Control Tools GIT, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform.
- Experience on Creating Branches, raising Merge requests and maintaining Branching strategy using GitHub.
- Automated build and deployment process with Jenkins and Maven, eliminating manual work, reduce human error and speed up production processes.
- Experienced with Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment Tool as Jenkins strong
experience with Shared Libraries.
- Integrating Jenkins with git and maven, setting up pipeline jobs, experience in using multiple plugins.
- Integrating Kubernetes and Docker with Jenkins and achieved CI/CD pipeline.
- Having good experience in creating Docker images, Docker containers, Docker networks, Docker volumes. Good Hands-on experience in writing Docker files.
- Setting up Kubernetes cluster with Kubeadm and KOPS structures and have done deployment.
- Have good experience in writing manifest files for creating Kubernetes resources.
- Integrated Jenkins with EKS cluster for automated deployment of Helm charts.
- Expertise in Amazon AWS Cloud experience includes services like: EC2, S3, EBS, ECR, VPC, ELB, AMI, SNS, IAM, Route 53, Auto scaling, Cloud Watch, NACL, Security Groups etc.
- Provisioned VPC, EKS, EC2 and other AWS resources using terraform for AWS (IAC).
- Setting up and working with Ansible, very good experience in writing playbooks, Ad-Hoc commands
- Hands on experience in creating Ansible Tasks, playbooks for Application deployment automation.
- Experience with monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana and Amazon Cloud watch.
- Have good Experience on writing shell scripting