Confidential,........................................................................................... FromSep’21-tilldate
- UnderstandingthebusinessrequirementsandpreparingtheRequirement TraceabilityMatrix.
- Analyzing the requirements perform Fit Gap analysis of those requirements and preparefunctionaldesign documents, effortestimation.
- InteractwithdifferentteamstounderstandthefunctionalityandintegrationwithSAPFICO.
- Workon theFioriappandpreparetheDemo whichcan be relevant for business.
- BuildthedesignandperformingUnittestingandIntegrationtesting’s.
Confidential........................................................................................... FromJuly 2017 – ToSep’21
- Interacting with the SAP users associated and understanding the issue and complexity theyarefacing by CallsMailsand Skype.
- Analysis the issues and providing the proper analysis of the issue faced by the businessusers.
- Makingnewdevelopmentsinthe SAPsystemasrequestedbytheUsers.
- Taking the training session for new joiners so as to give them the brief about the businessprocess and howFICOteamworks.
- Testing that new development in the Test system, so that those developments do not affectthenormalSAP systems.
- Coordinating with the banks if any file got failed and, in the system, so that we can uploadthefilesmanually.
Preparing the Job Aid for the users so as to ease and guide them how to use the certain T-codes,Batch Joband any specific issue