Shishir (RID : 1gdlakzhkxi)

  • Python Developer
  • Jaipur, India


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


4 Years



Work From



PythonSQLFlask DjangoDocker


Project Name:
Renewbuy ( March 2022- Current)
Role in the project: Senior Developer
Project Description: Renewbuy sales insurance
Responsibilities: work on version 2.0 for account management system, work on micro service for Pay master(Payment for Agents),work on micro service for Email and notification
Environment: Django, Django rest , RabbitMQ, Docker, celery ,s3
Project Name: Dentalcart (December 2021- February 2022)
Role in the project: Developer
Project Description: dentalkart is an ecommerce platform which sale product related to dentist and health when user buy something some points will be provied later on user can use this points
Responsibilities: create a micro service for reward and reviews which is communicate
through main dentalkart Application
Environment: Django, Django rest, RabbitMQ, EC2, nginx
Project Name: ADF Pay (June 2021-November 2021)
Role in the project: Lead Backend-lead
Project Description: it’s a financial application where user can manage their wealth and pay their bill
Responsibilities: write data-models and apis, complate server management aws, postgres
Environment: Django, celery, boto3,
Project Name: 24X7 Store(Jan 21-May 21)
Role in the project: Lead, Backend-lead
Project Description: it’s a e-commarce application where user can buy and sell their products
Responsibilities: write data-models and apis, complate server management aws, postgres
Working modules: Custmer, Merchent, Supervisor, Admin
Environment: Django, celery, boto3
Project Name: Doubt Fix (Sept 2019-May 2020)
Role in the project: Full stack development
Project Description: It’s an e-learning web application. Teachers can add assignments,
quizzes. Students can view notes, submit assignments, solve quizzes.
Responsibilities: Managing servers, write data-model and apis , UI using angular 8
Environment: Django, requests, django-storages, datetime, boto3, autopep8, botocore,
django-s3direct, gunicorn, mysql client, whitenoise, Angular
Server: AWS

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