Software Engineer 17th May 2021 to current
Worked in a team of 6 and developed a Chatbot.
Technologies used – Python, Haystack framework, Natural language
processing, Elastic search, docker, Kubernetes, helm
Developed a Milestone Microservice which was responsible for sending email notifications and push notifications. It was interacting with other microservices for sending email and push notifications and the exposed APIs to perform CRUD operations on milestones and to fetch Milestone
analytical data.
Technologies used – Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Kafka, Rest
APIs, MongoDB, Redis cache
SOFTWARE ENGINEER 01/2019 to 13th May 2021
Informatica Business Solutions Private Ltd, Bengaluru, Karnataka Developed New Google Analytics Connector with Google API V4 for fetching data from Google Analytics reports during my internship period. Developed Filename port feature for Google Cloud Storage Connector.
Developed Google Ecosystem Pushdown for Google Big Query connector where the data was being read from Google Cloud Storage and was written into Google Big Query table.
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