SHARMA (RID : 1ate6l84a96wr)

  • NEW DELHI, India


₹ 253,000 (Monthly)


6 Years



Work From



Android Android StudioAndroid MVCJavaKotlinC#SQLiteJSON




Android Developer with 6+ years of hands on experience in developing beautiful and efficient android applications, with on time delivery of the product.

1 year of full time internship experience with Indian Oil Corporation as a software engineer working on Java technology.

Basic knowledge Flutter framework, and using it create efficient UI designs with it.

Proficient in developing Android applications using Java, XML, and using SOAP and ResVul APIs. Experience using Web Services and Data parsing using JSON , XML etc.

Securing Android applications using SSL Certificate Pinning.

Strong understanding and experience in Android

development along with good knowledge with the Android SDK and with the Android Tools framework. Experience with source code management techniques using SVN or Git.

Experience with basic Xamarin (Hybrid) programming.


Technical Skills

Languages/Programming Area : Java, Kotlin, C#

Database Environment : Sqlite, RealmDB, RoomDB

Web Services : RestFul, SOAP

OS : Windows 10, MacOS

IDE : Android Studio, Visual Studio

Others : MVVM & Clean, Unit Testing, Kotlin, Couroutines, Flows, SharedPrefrence, Git, FCM Push notifications


Projects Executed

Details of some of the key projects are mentioned below. Remaining details can be shared on request.

TBS application

TBS is a bluetooth applicafion that handles and modifies the batery monitors. It extracts the data like voltage, power supply and many other details. The app can also modify these details, and update them in the batery via bluetooth.


Jan 2021-April 2021

Technology Stack

  • Android Studio, Android MVC, Android SDK, Java, Github, XML, JSON parsing, Shared prererences


  • Design & develop the android applicafion as per desired specificafions. Design & code review, troubleshoot & help team members on issues. Own end to end product modules/features (from requirement to going live). Strong in Android Java. Great understanding of thread management, memory management and other aspects of Java for mobile applicafion development.

J FUERST Uploader Application

J Fuerst Uploader App gives the flexibility to the photographers to upload the heavy raw images straight from the DSLR's memory card.


Mar 2020- OCT 2020

Technology Stack

  • Android Studio, Android MVC, Android SDK, Java, Github, XML, JSON parsing, REst Api, Postman Environment, Realm Database


  • Design & develop the android application as per desired specifications. Design & code review, troubleshoot & help team members on issues. Own end to end product modules/features (from requirement to going live). Strong in Android Java. Great understanding of thread management, memory management and other aspects of Java for mobile application development.

CODI Application

This application acts as interface where both employer and a student/candidate post or apply for a job. Codi also has various subscriptions for different type of consumers depending on their needs.


May 2021-Sep 2021

Technology Stack

  • Visual studio 2019, Xamarin forms, Hybrid, JSON parsing, ResVul APIs, MVVM architecture, Stripe payment gateway.


  • Design & develop the android application as per desired specifications. Design & code review, troubleshoot & help team members on issues. Own end to end product modules/features (from requirement to going live). Strong in Android Java. Great understanding of thread management, memory management and other aspects of Java for mobile application development.

Mumbai-Pune Safeway Application (MPSW)

MPSW is an application that track users travel techniques, driving manners and reporting of some mis- happenings on the Mumbai - Pune Expressway and rewards the users based on their driving behavior on the road. The points can be redeemed with some vouchers.


April 2020-June 2020

Technology Stack

  • Android Studio, Android MVC, Android SDK, Java, Kotlin, Github, XML, JSON parsing, REst Api, Postman Environment, Realm Database.


  • Design & develop the android application as per desired specifications. Design & code review, troubleshoot & help team members on issues. Own end to end product modules/features (from requirement to going live). Strong in Android Java. Great und
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