Saurabh (RID : 1gdlakym0it)

  • Data Engineer
  • Jaipur, India


$ 20.00 (Hourly)


11 Years


1 Week

Work From



GraphQL MicroservicesASP.NET PostgreSQL DockerWeb APISQL Server React JS


Key Projects Undertake
Project 1: JCI Modernization
Technology: Microservices, GraphQL, ASP.NET Core API, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Docker,
Kubernetes, Azure CI/CD, etc.
Description: JCI Modernization project involves step by step transformation of modules who are written in old technologies into new technologies. Idea behind this transformation is to add new functionalities while supporting the currently running system and making support process easy.
Project 2: SMIL Migration
Technology: .NET Core 3.0, Web API, SQL Server 2017, React JS
Description: SMIL Migration project involves step by step transformation of modules who are written in legacy technologies (Classic ASP) into new technologies. Idea behind this transformation is to add new functionalities while supporting the currently running system and making support process easy.
Project 3: Service Management Integration for Learning
Technology: ASP.NET MVC 5, Entity Framework 6, SQL Server 2012
Description: TwentyEighty is a platform which provides solution for end-to-end registration process. Student gets enrolled from different sources and they are processed through central system (SMIL)
Project provides a user-friendly platform that supports Registration, Enrollment, Courses,
Sessions, Instructors, etc.
Project 4: Johnson & Johnson Search Engine
Duration: 6 months
Technology: ASP.NET MVC 5, Entity Framework 6, SQL Server 2008
Description: Project provides a user-friendly, searchable, analogue platform that will support in identification of the right analogue(s) for each strategic question in a fast and efficient manner. Platform will also serve as a knowledge repository for the broad collection of studies.
Project 5: txDesigner
Duration: 1 year
Technology: ASP.NET MVC 4, .NET Framework 4.5, Entity Framework 6, SQL Server 2008
Description: Medidata Rave is a platform to provide end to end study build programming. Medidata Rave is the global leader in capturing, managing, and reporting clinical research data. Tool has been designed to perform Study planning, Site Engagement, User Administration, Analytics, etc.

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