Technologies: Core java, Sprig boot, Microservices, Spring, Hibernate, RestAPI, Maven, Bitbucket, HTML5,MATERIAL-UI,ReactJSandRedux
Role: Team Lead
Duration:July 2021to Jan 2023
Verizon 5g home wireless network related project like E commerce applications like we need to add types plans and we select the plan and add into cart after the checkout the cart and order the plans in these functionality working using react and redux with java script and HTML, CSS and we will select for self or professional setup for order booking before that we will check availability using address depends on pin code after that we will register as new customer or if already as customer like exiting customer so these all functionality developing using react different type of components we have used like eup, oco,web,dtd these are all the component we have developed.
Technologies:Corejava, Sprigboot, Microservices, spring, Hibernate, RestAPI, Maven, Bitbucket,HTML5,MATERIAL-UI,ReactJSandRedux
Role: Developer
Duration:Dec 2020to J u n e2021
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’s use of ingredients in its tobaccoproducts is guided by the principle of achieving the desired taste characteristics by usingthe minimum amount of additives. R.J. Reynolds scientifically evaluates all proposedingredients in its products and does not – and will not – use any ingredient if scientificevaluationsindicatethatitwillincreasetheinherent toxicity ofitsproducts.
RJRPathwayapplicationisforcustomersandemployeeswhoknowaboutthereportsoftheir roles. We leverage the Dashboard pages for details on reports, current activities,dealerlocations, services, offercodes,Brands, scancodeandavailablecouponsalso.
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