Renish (RID : qzycljtl2b5o)

  • Sr. React Native Developer
  • Surat, India,


$ 7.44 (Hourly)


3 Years



Work From



React NativeReact JSSQLiteWeb ServicesMobilefull stack developmentMySQLAndroid StudioVisual StudioiOSAndroid


I want to obtain a good position in a technology-driven organization, where my skills and
abilities are valued and benefit to the organization and that encourage innovative thinking and
career development. I will always try to use my skills like honesty, devotion towards my job,
punctuality, etc. I will discuss my ideology with my superiors.

3 years of experience in agile development and different architectures with JS
frameworks, and mobile technologies.

Employer Profile:
Idea2Code Infotech LLP
Surat, Gujarat.
Mobile Developer (Since Sepetember 2020) As a mobile developer, I have worked
on various projects with React Native, React JS, node JS(Beginner lavel

- Understand client requirements and implementation
- System analysis with 360 degrees to easy client business
- Make a plan for each task and requirement

Education Info:
BCA (Year- 2020)
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat

Kiwi Wallet - Web & Mobile App
Kiwi Wallet is a web and mobile application. The application will be used with two
interfaces, the administrator and the second one is Users. Admin users only have access to
web applications and the mobile app used by normal users. The mobile application is used to
do payment of insurance cover. On payment of cover from the application, the user will get
reward points.
Tools & Technologies: React Native (for mobile app) + Firebase + React JS (For web
application) + Stripe Payment Gateway
Responsibilities: mobile app designing and development

Feel Motive
Feel Motive is an app that is aimed to assist people by providing motivational and self-
development talks in a simple and accessible format. In this app, you can find unbelievable
facts about powerful motivational videos. Here User can get a failure to success motivational
videos in an understandable format. Users can frequently find perfect motivational speech
videos to make success in your daily life. This app is mainly focused on the concepts of
motivational and inspirational videos.
Tools & Technologies: React Native, SQLite Node JS, SQL Server
Responsibilities: Implementation based on requirements

Profile Controller
Application is developed to allow users to set the mobile profile mode in silent, vibrate
and ring mode. Users can add multiple locations and set the profile mode as per need. It uses
Google Maps to select the location area. Based on profile and location whenever the user
enters a location based on the profile list it auto changes the profile mode in the user’s device.
Tools & Technologies: React Native, SQLite Node JS, My SQL
Responsibilities: Implementation based on requirements

Feel Brand
Feel brand is an app that is aimed to Create posts with business or personal info. Users
add info and it auto sets that details in any specific posts as per users need.
Tools & Technologies: React Native, Node JS, React JS and My SQL
Responsibilities: Implementation based on requirements, and analysis.

Fine Line Granite (On Going)
FL Granite is an app that is aimed to Create projects and roles and assign projects to
users. Users need to add project work progress and notes with documents to attach for work
Tools & Technologies: Flutter, API Integration, Firebase, .Net Core and Ms SQL
Responsibilities: Implementation based on requirements, and analysis.

Mobile Technologies: Flutter, React Native
JS Frameworks: React JS, Node JS
Source Controls: DevOps, Git
Database Server: My SQL

APIs Integration: Firebase, Sendgrid, Twilio
Tools: Visual Code, SQLite, MySQL SQL Serve, Xcode, Android Studio
Mongodb: self learning


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