Ravi (RID : lgv9kzcl7y6o)

  • Ruby on Rails Developer
  • Jaipur, India


$ 20.00 (Hourly)


4 Years


1 Week

Work From



Ruby on RailsRubyJqueryPostGresqlMy SqlBit BucketRuby mine



 I have 4+ years of experience in Ruby on rails. I have enhanced my skills by working on

different projects. Also, have Active Admin Customization experience. Integrated

Elastic search for searching through the database. Also Worked with Google Maps API.

Skills & Respective experience

 Ruby on Rails: 3.5+ years

 Active Admin: 2+ years, Active Admin Customization

Tech Stack

Programming Languages: Ruby

Development Tools: Ruby mine, GIT, Bit Bucket

RDBMS, Servers, etc : PostgreSQL ,My SQL

Operating System: Ubuntu

Libraries/Frameworks/Tools: Ruby on Rails, JQuery, Redmine, Discourse

Cloud Infrastructure/Third-party Integration: Twilio, Google cloud API, Heroku, Digital



Project Name: Nourished

Role: Ruby on rails Developer

Tools: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Shopify


 The application is based on a question answering theme.

 Question Regarding the customers’ health is asked, based on those answers

given by the user, we prepare the food supplement of 7 layers and suggest that

product to the user as their daily diet plan.

 we have created an API for dynamic questioning and show the final product

 it's basically a Shopify-based app, in which the Shopify app store owner can

create a quiz regarding content

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