Ramarao (RID : 17uxzl6lwnjjg)

  • Fullstack Developer
  • noida


₹ 251,000 (Monthly)


7 Years



Work From



ASP.NET CoreMVCWeb APIAzureAngularSQlserver


Project1 : Atlas

Team Size : 5

Technology : C#, Web API Core, Azure, Angular10, Microervices

Description : Atlas is a Citation’s client platform, Providing instant access to Health & Safety and HR & Employment

Law services. This application provides couple of service like Employee Management, Document Process, SiteVisits,

Manage Training, Risk Assessments, Client Template library etc.


∙ Implemented Authorization server and SSO using Identiserver4 to authenticate the client applications. ∙

Developed Authorization Code flow with PKCE and Integrated it into Angular application. ∙ Created Azure

Functions and LogicApps to process documents and data sync.

∙ Implemented state management in angular by using NGRX store. Created components and loaded them

dynamically on Dashboard page

∙ Developed Rest Apis to perform CURD operations on Cosmos DB and Redis cache

∙ An agile Scrum methodology was processed for daily stand up meeting with team members to know the

current progress of the project and raise the issue/risk.

Project2 : DIS (Document Imaging System)

Team Size : 8

Technology : C#, ASP.NET core, Azure, Angular,CosmosDb, SQlserver

Description : DIS process will convert paper documents into digital Images. Digitizing Shipment documents and

maintaining records data in cloud storage services. These commercial documents, Invoices and Shipment data will

available to UPS clients through IDIS web site.


∙ Integrated MSAL in Angular application for authentication

∙ Created Azure Function App to identify Credit card details on WayBills documents and mask them. ∙

Implemented OpenID connect with Azure AD to authenticate web Apis.

∙ Implemented CI/CD Pipelines for Build and Release.

∙ Created ARM templates to configure services on Azure

Project3 : LoanView

Team Size : 4

Technology : C#, ASP.NET core, Azure,Angular

Description : LoanView is Berkadia’s secure, proprietary web-based application that allows borrowers to view and

manage their respective portfolios, providing access to their loan information and digitally imaged documents.


∙ Participated in meetings with Business team to gather requirements and implementing requirements. ∙

Implemented Components and services using Angular web framework

∙ Implemented APIs using Asp.Net core and provided security with Azure AD

∙ Created Function Apps to verify digital identities and documents.

∙ Work with Documentation and QA teams as necessary to resolve product issues.

∙ Wrote Unit test cases and MOQ implementation

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