Rakesh (RID : 14f6gl5g8merh)

  • Software Developer (React Native )
  • noida


$ 15.87 (Hourly)


3 Years



Work From



React NativeJava AngularMySQL


Project: Oken (React Native) 

Tech stack: Java, Angular, MySQL and React Native 

Project Description: Oken is a mall experience and loyalty application. Customers can download the application and view details of nearby malls, offers, promotions, and events. The user can earn and redeem loyalty points by scanning purchase bills. Built a feature which supports a user-friendly experience. Featured include offers, promotions, events and Purchase and many more such as user can earn and redeem loyalty points from the purchased bills

Project: Discovery of MicroRNAs and Transcription Factors Tech stack: SQL, JAVA 

Project Description: The domain is data mining. 

The aim of the project is to test the person and obtain results and display the same in the server with the help of Wi-Fi in the web application. 

It is well known that regulators known as microRNA (miRNA) and transcription factor (TF) have been found to play an important role in gene regulation. However, there are few types of research of collaborative regulatory mechanisms between miRNA and TF on the system level. It deals with measuring a person's blood and finding the gene ID of the person using their blood samples. By knowing their gene ID, this web application provides people with the details of possible diseases which attacked their past generations and it also provides the list of precaution methods to avoid and control the diseases in the future. This application is easy to access and easy to use for all kinds of people. After entering the Username and Password the user can access our application if any new users they must register first with their mobile number. After login by entering their gene ID in the search box, electronic data of the person can be easily retrieved and output will be displayed. We can easily know the related diseases of any one from any remote location. 

Project Name: SoundSpice (React Native) 

Tech Stack: Java, Angular, MySQL and React Native 

Project Description: SoundSpice is a react native project used for Music player. A lightweight music player for Android and iOS support only & comes with a very minimal user interface. Created an application where user can able to customize the music. It Supports all Audio formats, Shuffle and loop Audio tracks, Supports Dark Mode. 

Project Name: hooligram (React Native) 

Tech Stack: Java, Angular, MySQL and React Native 

Project Description: hooligram is an react native project used for an open-source messaging application for Android and iOS, the user interface. This app is very user Friendly. Also, this project comes with a backend (hooligram-server). Created an 

application where user can able to chat with personal or group


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