RAJA (RID : pp3lnx9wjzg)

  • CHENNAI, India


$ 21.00 (Hourly)


13 Years



Work From






AWS Engineer

Detail-oriented, organized and meticulous employee. Works at fast pace to meet tight deadlines. Enthusiastic team player ready to contribute to company success.


WorkE        erzezzce


  • COnfidential from Dec 2o1o - tillnow
  • Extensive hands-on experience as an AWS Technical Lead with a large-scale, multi-tierenterprisesolutionsthatrequirecomplexservicesincloudtechnologies.
  • Hands-onexperienceonArchitectingandsecuringtheInfrastructureonAWSusing ECM, IAM, S3› RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, Route s3› CIoudTraiI, Cloud Watch, Trusted Advisor, Security Groupsetc.
  • HighlyefficientinworkingonconfiguringanddeploymentswithvariousAWS DevOps tools such as AWS Code Pipeline, Code Build and Code Deploy and other DevOps tools such as Jenkins and GitHub to configure a highly efficient CI/CDpipeline.
  • GoodunderstandingofnetworkingconceptsincludingVPC,Subnets,NACLs, VPC Peering andRouters.
  • Have good ability to Build, manage and secure REST API’s using APIGateway.
  • Proficient  in migration  of legacy applications  to cloud using the 6  R'sMigration


  • BuiltWSDLfrombackendMainframeCICSprogramstocapturedatafromETL database based webservices.
  • Hands-on experience on managing a team on Application Migrations and Data migrations from On-premise to AWSCloud.
  • Experience in working with Python to implement the openAI chatGPT APIs to build tools and in integrating the API into existing systems and customizing it to meet specificrequirements
  • VerygoodknowledgeofcoredomainssuchasBankingandFinancialServices, Healthcare andInsurance.


no zz -   7-Current        AWS MigrationEngineer

Confidential Chennai


Lincoln Financial Group, provides advice and solutions that help empower Americans to take charge of their financial lives with confidence. As an Migration Architect, I had the opportunity to work in the areas of Life Insurance Mainframe Programs and worked on setting up CI/CD flow and implementation of Lincoln Financial Group's Mainframe programs into Micro Focus Enterprise Server that runs on AWS technologies.

Roles and JtesponsibiIities

  • InvolveinprocessofdoingUnitandSystemTestingonMicroFocusEnvironment setup in AWSinstances.
  • Analyzecloudinfrastructureandrecommend improvementsforperformancegains and costefficiencies
  • Provide daily monitoring, management, troubleshooting and issue resolution to systems and services hosted on cloudresources
  • Designed, configured and managed public/private cloud infrastructure platforms utilizing Amazon WebServices
  • ExperiencedatlaunchingAmazonEC2instancesandsettingupsecuritygroupsand configureElasticLoadBalancerswithEC2AutoScalinggroups
  • SetupCI/CDpipelinebyintegratingJenkinsandGitHubwithMicro-Focusservers
  • Utilize CloudWatch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon RDS DB services, Dynamo DB tables, and EBSvolumes
  • DevelopedanautomatedsummarizationtoolthatuseschatGPTAPItosummarize long-form articles into brief summaries for quickconsumption
  • Onboarded new temps by entering employee information intosystems
  • Conducteddeep-divehands-ontrainingsessionstotransferknowledge tocustomers considering or already usingAWS.
  • Managedteamofemployees,overseeinghiring,trainingandprofessionalgrowthof employees.
  • Participated in team-building activities to enhance workingrelationships
  • Prepared variety of different written communications, reports anddocuments
  • Usedcriticalthinkingtobreakdownproblems,evaluatesolutionsandmake decisions.
  • Activelylistenedtocustomers'requests,confirmingfullunderstandingbefore addressingconcerns
  • Developed team communications and information formeetings
  • Managedteamofemployees,overseeinghiring,trainingandprofessionalgrowthof employees
  • Prepared variety of different written communications, reports anddocuments.
  • Participated in team-building activities to enhance workingrelationships.
  • Proved successful working within tight deadlines and fast-pacedatmosphere.

AWS Application Engineer

COnfidential, Chen

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