Purav (RID : 4q6kvc8nve1)

  • ReactJs
  • Jaipur


$ 20.00 (Hourly)


4 Years


1 Week

Work From



HTML JavaScript, JQuery AJAX,


Purav – ReactJs- 4+Years Currently working on the PayRoll of Nine Hertz India Pvt. Ltd. SUMMARY  Possess experience in web application development in React Js, Node.js  Strong management skills, demonstrated proficiency in leading and mentoring individuals to maximize levels of productivity, while forming cohesive team environments  Analytical thinker that consistently resolves ongoing issues, often called upon to consult on problems that have eluded resolution by others. SKILLS SUMMARY Operating Systems: Windows (7, 8, 10), Mac OS, Ubuntu 16 Languages/Frameworks: HTML, JavaScript, JQuery AJAX, ReactJS, Javascript ES6 Databases: My sql, MongoDB, Firebase Real-time DB, Tools: Visual Studio code, Web storm, Sublime.  Experience with all type of component (class component, function component, pure component, and higher order component)  Familiar with lifecycle in class component  Knowledge about context API  Experience with all type of API calling  Knowledge about all type of Hooks in function component  Implement Static and Dynamic routing  Knowledge about redux in both type of component  Rest API calling in redux using middleware  Experience with user interface design EXPERIENCE HIGHLIGHTS Talent App The user can create profile as an influencer and manager, manager create new campaign and make publicly available so influencer can apply, influencer can apply for campaign, and use can change their campaign data. Page 2 of 2 School App It's difficult to get into the private school of your choosing. It gives families a better shot at finding that school, while giving schools a tool that streamlines the waitlisting process. That's a win win. Technology: Reactjs, MySql, Bootstrap, Web API Sales App User can search the company details using the domain name and add the deal, User can add the Deal or select the deal. Technology: ReactJs Aquarium based App Lost for thousands of years deep beneath the sea, the ancient ruins of the lost city of Atlantis have finally been uncovered in the Middle East’s and Africa’s largest aquarium! Technology: ReactJs, Backend Laravel Comapre Price App Compare price to another retailer price Technology: Reactjs, MySql, Bootstrap, Web API PERSONAL SKILLS  Ability to work in a team environment In order to achieve a laid goal  Openness to learn and adopt new Technologies  Smart working, reliable, well-mannered, willing and dedicated professional ***********THANKS************

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