Puneet (RID : t9dul1q0lar8)

  • Sr software engg
  • Chandigarh, India


$ 16.00 (Hourly)


6 Years



Work From



.NetWeb APIC#.NETJqueryAjaxMVC


  • A result-oriented professional with 7 years of experience in Programming and Software Development.

  • An individual having comprehensive and conceptual knowledge about various technologies, operating systems, and programming languages.

  • Proficient in grasping new technical concepts and utilizing them in an effective manner.

  • A Qualified Professional who seeks to leverage experience and business acumen as well as learn from accomplished peers, while continuing to work in the industry. 

  • A proactive learner with a flair for adopting emerging trends and addressing industry requirements to achieve organizational objectives & profitability norms.

  • Effective communicator & negotiator with strong analytical, problem-solving, and organizational abilities.


From August 2017 till now with Appsage Infosystem, Mohali

Project Executed: 

Title:       OVTLYR  

Team Size:     4 members

Technologies:      C#, Web API, Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, Python, MS-SQL, R Services.

Tools & IDE’s:     Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2016 with R services, R Engine  

Title:       Trident 

Team Size:     10 members

Technologies:      MVC, Web API, Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, C#, Python, MS-SQL, R Services.

Tools & IDE’s:     Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2016 with R services, R Engine  

Title:       PurchasingAI   

Team Size:     3 members

Technologies:      MVC, Web API, Bootstrap, Entity Framework, JQuery, AJAX, C#, MS-SQL.

Tools & IDE’s:     SVN & Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2014

Title:       AptShopper

Team Size:     1 member

Technologies:      MVC, Web API, Bootstrap, Entity Framework, JQuery, AJAX, C#, MS-SQL.

Tools & IDE’s:     SVN & Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2014

Title:       Machinedalal

Team Size:     1 member

Technologies:      Bootstrap, Entity Framework, JQuery, AJAX, C#, MS-SQL.

Tools & IDE’s:     SVN & Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2014

Title:       Meridian

Team Size:     1 member

Technologies:      Bootstrap, Entity Framework, JQuery, AJAX, C#, MS-SQL, MapBox.

Tools & IDE’s:     SVN & Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2014

Title:       Corinthians

Team Size:     2 members

Technologies:      ASP.net Core, Entity framework, Token authentication

Tools & IDE’s:     SVN & Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2014

Title:       SpareRooms

Team Size:     2 members

Technologies:      ASP.net Core, Entity framework

Tools & IDE’s:     SVN & Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server 2014


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