PRAVEEN (RID : 1tbnloa1kzhe)

  • DELHI, India


â‚ą 449,000 (Monthly)


15 Years



Work From



PlatformAlteryxTableauPower BIPythonAWSAzureSalesforceT-SQL








  • Harvard University certified Data Science Professional and People Analytics & Workforce Planning leader withOver10+years’experienceleadingglobalteamsandbuildingscalabledatacapabilitiesforFortune100organizationsintheBigTech,Healthcareand FinancialServicesindustries.
  • Solid track of working with multiple teams, handling multiple projects, conducting meetings and user probingsessions, identifying Key Performance Indicators and metrics and advising best reporting strategies, Designingdashboards,storyboardsandVisual representationofBusinessStatistics,basedonclientrequirements.
  • Built and led teams delivering solutions for People Analytics, Workforce Planning, Predictive Modeling, ReportingAutomation,DataVisualization,DataPrivacy,workdayimplementationandProjectManagement.
  • Setting, managing, and overseeing client expectations, project plans, online surveys and administration andreporting sites, databases, data deliverables, client reports; leading project teams to develop insights and adviseclientonindustry-leading practices;and creatinganddeliveringresultsandpresentationstoclientexecutives.
  • Globally recognized for innovative change management strategy to ensure adoption and democratization of HRdataandpeopleanalyticsandwasrecognizedforprojectleadershipbyIMPACTawardin2023.
  • ExperienceacrossglobalpracticeshelpedmeindevelopingthedeepculturalunderstandingofvariedgeographiesincludingUK,APAC, CE,Canada&US.
  • Proficient in using parameters, dynamics groups and sets, data hierarchies, filters, calculated fields and othercustomfunction like string functions,datefunctionsand logicalfunctions.
  • Solid experience in Designing Tableau Reporting solutions working in agile Environments for clients, CreatingInteractive Dashboards, Performance optimization, developing user Training Material and creating Bestpractices for reporting solutions.
  • DesignedanddeployedAlteryxworkflowsasapartofthedatapreparationtopreparethedataintherequiredformatby datavisualizationtoolslikeTableau,PowerBI.
  • Successfully managed a diverse team of Data Visualization Experts, Power BI Developers, HR Analysts, and DataScientists, fostering collaboration and delivering scalable, user-centric people analytics solutions. By partneringwith HR leaders, HR Business Partners, and regional stakeholders. Co-created analytics solutions using a designthinkingframeworkandagile projectmethodologies.
  • Champion for bringing new analytics ideas to the top global organizations like United Nations, IOM & manymore,havereceivedaccoladesformyexceptionalwork.




Technology :Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks,DeepLearning, Natural Language Processing,Data mining, Data scraping, Data cleaning, Tensor Flow, Keras, Pytorch, Shiny, Tidy Text Mining, Power BI, Data wrangling,Excel Solver, MicroStrategy, Kronos Workforce Analytics, Jupiter Notebooks, Alteryx,Tableau, Microsoft Visual Studio,Teradata, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, K-Means Clustering, Support VectorMachines,GradientBoostMachines&XGBoost.


Programming : Python, R Programming, Azure ML, Salesforce, Scikit-learn, Power Pivot, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib,Vega Light, Openheatmap, Seaborne, Spark, Statistical Analysis, OBIEE, Oracle HCM, Taleo, Cornerstone,

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