Prasoon (RID : 6v6vlqqkot3f)

  • Ionic Developer
  • Jaipur, India


$ 18.00 (Hourly)


6 Years



Work From



IonicXcode InstrumentsDart javaScriptAndroid iOSUnit Testing Flutter


Pras oon – 6 Years - Ionic Developer

I can be described as a highly motivated professional who understands the importance of hard work in completion of any assigned task. My friendly nature helps me stay surrounded with a fresh and helpful working environment. My desire of learning new things makes me sharpens my skills and helps me come out with problem solving capability. I have made programming my hobby and do it with all my interest that ultimately comes out with satisfying results.

Mobile App
Development: Flutter,
Version Control: Git,

UI/UX Design: Material

Design, Widget

API Integration:

RESTful APIs, Firebase

Languages: Dart,
State Management:


Integration: Android,
Debugging: DevTools,

Xcode Instruments
Testing: Unit Testing,

Widget Testing

EX PERIENCE Fl utter De ve l oper || Ionic De ve l ope r
Confide ntial Feb 2020 - Oct 2023
Developed and maintained cross-platform mobile applications using Flutter. Collaborated with UX/UI designers to implement visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces. Integrated RESTful APIs to fetch and update data, ensuring smooth communication between the mobile app and the server. Implemented data caching and synchronization strategies to optimize the app's performance and responsiveness. Reduced application load time by 20% through optimization techniques. Ensured seamless integration of design elements into the Flutter framework, maintaining a consistent and engaging user experience across platforms. Utilized debugging tools and conducted thorough testing to identify and fix bugs promptly. Implemented proactive measures to prevent common issues and improve the stability of the applications. Managed version control using Git, ensuring a smooth and collaborative development process. Collaborated with team members to resolve code conflicts and maintain a well-organized codebase. Actively sought and incorporated user feedback to enhance the user experience and address pain points. Iterated on features based on user behavior and performance analytics

Ionic De ve l ope r
Confide ntial Jan 2017 - Jan 2020
Developed and maintained cross platform mobile application with the use of Ionic

Collaborated with native development teams (Android and iOS) to integrate Ionic modules into existing mobile applications. Ensured seamless communication between Ionic and native code for a cohesive user experience. Designed and implemented custom component to meet specific project requirements

E-c ar e
Front End D e ve lope r
Led the development of a comprehensive patient/doctor interaction app using Flutter,
providing a seamless experience for healthcare management. - The app aimed to connect
patients with healthcare providers, enabling appointment scheduling, health tracking, and
secure communication.
Developed a user-friendly interface for patients to schedule appointments with healthcare
providers based on availability. - Implemented real-time notifications to remind users of
upcoming appointments.
Designed and integrated a secure EHR system for patients and doctors to access and update
medical records. - Ensured compliance with healthcare data protection standards.
Play store Link :-http:// App
Store Link :-
Friend My Pet App
Front End D e ve lope r
Spearheaded the development of an engaging and user-friendly mobile application using Ionic
designed to connect pet owners, share pet-related content, and facilitate social interactions
within a pet-loving community.
Developed a feature allowing pet owners to create and manage profiles for their pets,
including details like breed, age, and favorite activities. - Implemented a user-friendly
interface for adding and updating pet information.
Created a dynamic social feed where users could share photos, videos, and stories of their
pets. - Implemented features such as likes, comments, and sharing to encourage community
Play store Link :- App
store Link :-

E DU C ATIO N Bachel or of Engineeri ng , Computer Scie nce Engi nee ri ng
S.G.S.I .T.S Ujjain M.P India Jun 2012 - Jun 2016
I pursued a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, where I gained a solid foundation in computer
science principles and programming languages. The program provided a comprehensive
understanding of software development methodologies, data structures, algorithms, and computer

Hindi English

A W A R D S IBM Bl ockc hain Esse nti al s
I BM 2018-01-08
This badge earner has developed an understanding of Blockchain principles and practices and
how they can be applied within a business environment. They have an understanding of
Blockchain and distributed
ledger systems, the important concepts and key use

IBM Bl ockchain Foundati on De ve l oper
I BM 2018-01-08

Earners of this badge have deep knowledge of blockchain concepts, such as smart contracts,
ledgers, business networks, participants, and Hyperledger Composer. Badge earners also know
how to model and build a simple blockchain network and a JavaScript application that queries the


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