Title: Swiss Hyper Mart (eCommerce)
Environment: Flutter, Firebase.
Description: online grocery app to order and get delivery of your day to day required thing to your door.
Leading the project with team of 4+ members.
Creating strong base for the project to make it expandable.
Making the Whole app dynamic even the dashboard.
Keep track of your Orders.
Separate mobile application for Admin
Reduce Response time.
Title: Loyalty application
Environment: Laravel, Flutter, Web.
Description: application it is the idea to make A single app for all your favorite brand. single stop reward collection.
Leading the project with team of 6+ members.
Creating strong base for the project to make it expandable.
Implementation Fancy Features ETC.
Speed is Top Priority.
Limited Time Span.
Title: CD Hybrid (Fitness)
Environment: Laravel, Flutter, Web.
Description: application is specially made for Central dynamic facilities, to make the whole gym process online and easy from booking slots to getting work of the day.
Displaying nearby locations from customers who are looking for properties.
Convert UI design to Code.
Render Hundreds of images on Single page.
Complete the project in Given Timeline
Following Strong Coding standards MVC structure
Better Performance.
Dynamic Content.
Title: Author (Digital Library)
Environment: Laravel, Flutter, Web.
Description: It is the idea to make each variant of the book available on a single app. audio, video and PDF.
Solo Mobile developer
Implement in app Audio player, video Player, and PDF viewer.
Audio player is working in background just like Spotify.
Low buffer time and Nonstop audio & video playbacks.
Title: Housie (Fun-Zone)
Environment: Flutter, Dot Net.
Description: Housie is unique idea to make a board game online where multiple player can join play together on their own device from anywhere in the world.
Super Accurate in Time.
Response Time is priority
Multiple API calls in seconds.
Complex Logics and UIs.
Solo Mobile developer.
Maintaining of the coding structure and standards
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