Paritosh (RID : 7k5larya0ay)

  • Azure Developer
  • Jaipur, India


$ 20.00 (Hourly)


17 Years


1 Week

Work From



Azure APIC# Web API Micro servicesSQL AzureVB.NET


1. Kollekt, Denmark – Designing (Architecture)) backend APIs for B2B Fashion e-commerce. Building interactive media tools using AWS IVS.
2. STPS Systems, US – Developed features in an existing Insurance product – STPS which provide quality, proven software products to MGAs and Wholesalers that reduce data entry and facilitate increased efficiency. I was solely responsible for writing RESTful APIs that were consumed by various FE apps.
3. U Market Mobile, Israel – Developed and maintained Advertising CRM for an Israeli startup built on AngularJS, MVC,.NET. Worked on upgrading the App to Angular/.NET Core based web apis.
4. ThreeLockBox LLC, US – Developed software to do construction control (escrow) for Nevada based startup.
5. Regent AB, Sweden – Developed Azure SaaS based business productivity tool, recruitment website and a job portal for resource hiring for this upcoming startup in the IT consulting space. Also worked on developing a backend portal for McDonalds’ advertisement spend on ClearChannel’s advertising platform.
6. MasterTrac, US – Developed portal for applying for housing and residential insurance.
7. LGA Oxford, UK – Developed crowdsourcing platform for automobile franchising business.
8. Technocrats Domain, India – Supporting backend operations for their major US insurance client HMSA.
9. RasInfo Rays, India – Overseeing Azure server management and supporting and guiding on their tactical strategy game GoProManager.
10. eLite – Personalized Wireless Lighting (Under Development). eLite is IoT based light & aids biological sleep for people suffering from insomnia. It comes with hosts of other features to give truly personalized lighting experience to users & is operated via mobile devices.
 Developed firmware for IoT modules, client libraries for android native apps for handling Wi-Fi connectivity-based TCP/UDP communication.
 Developed a website for the product using MVC, Web API, and SQL Azure.
11. HomItUp
HomItUpis an online destination for home makeover ideas and interior design solutions. Users can browse through available design ideas and hire the services of expert designers for their home makeover.
12. Chezonelle
Developed the complete admin dashboard and customer sections for specialized women clothing e-Commerce portal in MVC.

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