NIshant (RID : 1gdlakyvnv6)

  • Azure Developer
  • Jaipur, India


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


8 Years



Work From





Project Name: EPAM SYSTEMS
Technologies Used: Azure function app, Azure Event Hubs, Debezium, Angular, REST API, .NET Core 5.0, C#, NoSQL, Azure Cosmos Db, Swagger, ABP Framework.
Tools Used: Visual Studio 2019, Visual studio code, Azure Cosmos Db Emulator, Azure DevOps, NSwag.
Project Description: Client Portal is a platform which collates information from different source systems and displays it to user. This application ensures to have updated data from source systems every-time.
 Development of views in front-end using Angular. Implementation of Services to get data from Backend API. Implementation of APIs to achieve CRUD operations.
 Implementation of Event triggered Azure functions to get data from Azure event hubs and store into db. Analysis and monitoring of Azure Cosmos Db queries to reduce RU Consumption.
 Handling issues with respect to Azure Cosmos Db Partitioning.
 Development of Generic methods and repositories to handle common database
operations across multiple event handlers.
 Implementation of Azure Event Hubs with SQL CDC.
Technologies Used: Angular 9, REST API, .NET Core 3.1, C#, NoSQL, MongoDb, SSO, OAuth, ADFS, Azure Web Apps
Tools Used: Visual Studio 2019, Visual studio code, Azure Portal, MongoDb Compass, Git repository, Azure Cosmos Db with MongoDb API.
Project Description: Mentorship Application is a tool for internal people of Sapient. This application provides a platform for users who want to take mentorship in any area either technical or non-technical. Users can sign-up as Mentor, Mentee or both. Mentee can send request to mentors to get mentorship in any particular skill that Mentor possess. Once Mentor accepts the request, they can discuss the requirement and set appropriate goal. When the goal is achieved, either mentor or mentee can complete the mentorship flow. Further, mentee can provide feedback to mentor.
 Implemented Services, Pipes, Directives in Angular.
 Implemented Karma Unit test cases for components, services and pipes using Jasmine framework. Implemented HTTP Interceptors in Angular for SSO configuration using OAuth2.
 Involved in development of Web API Services using .Net Core in conjunction with MongoDb. Implemented Exception handling Middlewares in DotNet core.
 Setup of Azure App Services to deploy Angular and Web API applications respectively. Setup of Azure Cosmos DB Account for MongoDb API.
 Suggesting technical enhancements to team members for better design. Code review of team members.

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