Technologies used
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular 2 Loopback, E2E, Karma, Jasmine, Mongo DB.
It is a web application for managing inventory of the products currently available with the client which is a supplier companies. The application handles client deliveries of products to retailers, maintaining and checking stock, maintaining and placing new orders, checking processes, and invoices and reports generation.
Technologies used
HTML5, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Typescript Angular 4, 6, Jasmine, Loopback, Mongo DB.
The target clients of this Application’s are institutions, which enrolls student for various exam preparations. Application is all about, generating student records, saving records, issuing letters and payments.
Technologies used
Angular 8, 14 HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, NgRx, Typescript, Rxjs, E2E, Karma, Jasmine, Bootstrap.
It is a web application for managing Web Site of the Customer currently available with the client which is a Client companies. The application handles client customer Web site, maintaining and checking Site Management and How To create The Web site With Own Customer, maintaining and placing new Web Site, checking processes, and Templates of Web Site and Auto And Manual template Of Web Site.
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