Muthu (RID : z440m0gegsj9)

  • Software Developer
  • Chennai, India


$ 8.71 (Hourly)





Work From



JavaSpring BootAzure CloudAWSDocker FlaskDjangoMySQLPOSTGRESQLHTML5CSSBootstrapfull stack development


  • Have 4+ years of experience in Java, Spring Boot, Azure Cloud, AWS and Git.
  • Experience in a Web application in Java.
  • Experienced in Azure Cloud Services (IaaS, PaaS), Storage Accounts, Web Apps, Active Directory, SQL Server, Key Vault, and Networks.
  • Excellent knowledge of all the phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (Requirements gathering, analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation) and SDLC methodologies such as Agile/scrum, Waterfall model, and Iterative Development.
  • Hands-on experience in developing web applications using Spring Framework.
  • Designed and developed REST APIs using Java Spring Boot framework.
  • Experienced in cloud infrastructure utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, and RDS.
  • Hands-on experience in configuring Jenkins and writing Groovy DSL scripts to configure build Jobs.
  • Working knowledge of various Spring Application Framework modules (Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring ORM, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, Spring Security).
  • Hands-on experience with Jenkins creating the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Good knowledge of Docker.
  • Experience with the Robot Script Framework in Python.
  • Experience in MySQL.
  • Good experience in writing SQL Queries, and tables.
  • Developed applications using IDEs like Eclipse, and IntelliJ.
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