Mohit (RID : 6v6vltqsbi52)

  • Senior Programmer Analyst
  • Jaipur, India,


$ 10.89 (Hourly)


5 Years



Work From



C#.NETAngular 2JavascriptMVCHTML.NetCoreJavascript


A driven individual with the ability to adapt to any situation and proven potential to grow self and others. I am very passionate about both technology and working out solutions for
complex and tedious problems.

Operating System: Win 2000, 2003, XP, 2007, 2010
Programming Languages: C#, ASP.Net, Entity Framework, .Net Core ,
LINQ, Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Web API, Bootstrap, CSS, React js ,
Angular 2+
Database: SQL Server 2014
Framework: MVC5, .Net framework 4.0, 4.6,.Net Core 3.1,6.0
Tools: Visual Studio 2008, 2012, 2015,2019,2022 TFS
3rd Party: Stripe, PayPal, TransferWise


  • Reviewing current systems and Presenting ideas for system improvements

  • Produce clean, efficient code based on specifications

  • Integrate software components and third-party programs

  • Testing the product in controlled, real situations before going live

  • Preparation of technical documentation for reference and training manuals for users

  • Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing software

  • Product Deployment

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