Manav (RID : m3bkkzr0vgl3)

  • Node JS Developer
  • Jaipur, India


$ 20.00 (Hourly)


5 Years


1 Week

Work From



JavaScriptTypescriptExpress JSNest JSPostgreSQLMongoDBPythonNode JS



Project Name: Abbott A care

Technologies: Node.JS, Express.JS, PostgreSQL, Redis, and Kafka

Description: Developed a Hippa complacence health tracking application. Created complete logic with REST APIs using Technologies like Node.JS, Express.JS, Postgre SQL,

Redis and Kafka. Configured and deployed the app on Heroku for scalability and cost-effectiveness Maintain Coding as well as architecture level security measures. Developer

Proper Logging Service to maintain and monitor the system. Work thoroughly over deciding coding standards and complexity. Unit Test the application with 90%+ testing


Project Name: Uedify

Technologies: Node JS, Express JS, MySQL, and Redis.

Description: Developed Platform for Tutors and Students to have online classes. Technologies used Node JS, Express JS, MySQL, and Redis. Configured and deployed the

app on AWS for scalability and cost-effectiveness. Instant Payout feature with the help of Stripe payment services

Project Name: Yoopha

Technologies: React JS, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, Redis

Description: Worked on the web platform for integrating Rest Apis and third-party Services. Created complete logic with REST APIs. Technologies usedReact JS, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, Redis Configured and deployed the app on AWS for scalability and cost-effectiveness.

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