Summary of Qualifications
A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones.
Programming Languages & Database Proficiency
Microsoft Technologies
.Net Core, ASP.Net, MVC, C#.Net ,Entity Framework Core, Web API, ADO.Net, Micro Services.
SQL Server, MySQL
Web Presentation
Front End
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular, React
Programming Languages
C#,, Angular, React
Operating Systems
Web Servers
Testing Tools
Report Tools
Version Control
Azure DevOps,GITHub,SVN Server
(2013- 2014)(89%).
Name: Dart Deliver Smarter
Project Description:
Tools/Technologies: .Net Core, ReactJS, SQL Server, WebAPI, Entity Framework,
Azure DevOps.
Duration: (month and year): Oct-2022 To Present
Name: Health Care Management System
Project Description:
Using This application users can book appointments on different kind of products related to Lab Tests, Medicines, Doctor appointments etc. In this project ,there are various type of modules available to manage Test, Customer ,Health Center. We can also generate reports for Customer ,Health Center, Fees. Here the Health Center module manage all the operations of Health Center, Customer module can manage Customer Booking module is normally developed for managing Booking, Medicine module manages Medicine operations, Test module has been implemented to manage Test
Tools/Technologies: ASP.NET, ReactJS, C#,SQL Server, Micro Services,
WebApi, Entity Framework, SVN Server
Duration: Feb-2022 To Aug-2022
Name: Restaurant Management System
Project Description:
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