KARTIK (RID : 1ate6l8blnsp5)

  • Pune


$ 13.00 (Hourly)


3 Years



Work From






Professional Snapshot:

  • 3+ Years of experience in Web Application Development.
  • Having good experience in developing J2EE, Hibernate, spring, Spring Boot, HTML5, MySQL applications.
  • Also having knowledge of Micro Services, Rest API.
  • Enriched with the ability to learn new concepts & technology within a short span of time.
  • Sound knowledge in MVC Architecture.
  • Extensive knowledge in Core Java, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, HTML.


  • Languages : Core Java, J2EE.
  • Java Technologies : JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Maven, SVN, JIRRA, basic knowledge Micro services
  • Web : HTML, CSS, JQuery
  • Frameworks : Spring3.x, Hibernate3.x, Spring Boot 1.5.x, spring security
  • Databases : MySQL,
  • Servers : apache-tomcat-7.x
  • Software & Tools : Eclipse Platform, Maven

Professional Experience:

Project 1: Ajio

Role: - Java Backenddeveloper

Technology: - Java(spring boot), Microservices, MariaDb, MongoDb

Description:It is live ecommerce website.This mainly focuses on selling their products. It aim at providing an immersive and unique experience that makes online shopping a much simpler and seamless process. At the same time, it should include features that drive sales and boost revenues for your business

Functionality:Multiple languages, theme layout based on language.

Project 2: Uoons (Ecommerce )

Role: - Java Backenddeveloper

Technology: - Java 8 (Spring Boot)

Description:First online complete Electronic provide ecommerce mobile app should aim at providing an immersive and unique experience that makes online shopping a much simpler and seamless process. At the same time, it should include features that drive sales and boost revenues for your business

Functionality:Multiple languages, theme layout based on language.

Project #3: Maikhane

Technologies Used:Spring- Boot, JPA, MySQL, Micro service, API Gateway.

Description: End-user android application, which allows users to search restaurants, hotels, wine shops, distributors etc., track nearby pubs and clubs for the live crowd availability, table/room bookings, merchandise ordering, food ordering, buy event tickets. Web application interface for Product management, resource management, order management, billing systems, promotions/ offers management, event management, delivery systems, QR code writing, QR scanning, in- app purchase management, Review management and rewards management.


The information above is true to the best of my knowledge & will be supported by facts and when require.


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