Title: NewsApp
Brief Synopsis: The News App is an Android application designed to read news.
Team: Self
Duration: 1 Month
Role: Implementation of Prototype
Platform: Android
Title: iGrab
Brief Synopsis: It is an Android based application. This app connects customers to Exemplary Financial Advisory Services and gives customers the ability to find FARs across Singapore’s banks, insurers, and Financial Adviser (FA) firms and connect with them.
Team: 2 Members
Duration: 6 Months
Role: Implementation of modules (Designing and Coding) of the app and unit testing of the Project.
Platform: Android
Title: Escort
Brief Synopsis: It’s an Android based application which runs on 2D scanner device. With this application, buyer can scan the product via
Barcode and place orders. The seller can centrally receive and manage those orders.
Team: 2 Members
Duration: 6 Months
Role: Implementation of modules (designing and coding) of the app and different types of action based on bar code scanner
along with some coding part and unit testing of the project.
Platform: Android
App Link:
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