Kailash (RID : 157l8l5qph423)

  • Software Developer(Node JS)
  • Jaipur, India


₹ 167,000 (Monthly)


4.2 Years



Work From



Node.JSAWSAPIExpress.jsMySQLMongoDBPostGre SQLJava ScriptHTMLCSSGit


4 years and 2 months of Industrial experience in development and maintenance over Node.JS Web Applications.

Good hands-on NodeJS, Express.JS Loopback. MongoDB, PostgreSQL.

Extensive knowledge of Data structure and Algorithms. Practitioner of Agile Methodologies & Test-driven development.

Exposure to micro-service architecture, Docker, AWS EC2 and AWS server database management, Heroku, and Google Cloud Services.

Extensive knowledge of crawling web applications. Excellent debugging and code analysis skills.

Team player with excellent communication skills.


NodeJS | PostgreSQL| JavaScript | HTML | CSS | GIT

Work experience

Software Engineer

2020-10 - Present        

Extern Labs Pvt Ltd

Working on Care-team app a health care application using micro-services. In this project working on a hirer module/service (backend NodeJS) a different flow for users who can register with organizations access and perks.

Using Dockers and deployment to AWS with load-balancer.

Working on project Airvting app and live streaming app using Red5Pro (migrating to Agora). Backend using NodeJS -Hapi.JS framework.

Deploying and Configuring SSL to the backend API at AWS for the Airvting app.

Created backend API and configure Server setup, SSL to Digital Ocean cloud service for GameDay app

Worked on the Insurance domain Snack-app multiple modules/services like Admin, Products, coupons, etc., using micro-services.


2019-07 - 2020-10

Software Engineer

Ansh Systems Pvt Ltd / Eastern Enterprise LLP

I have worked on distributed Web applications using NodeJS for camping.info migrating the notification and emails services into NodeJS.

I have worked on the micro-service architecture of the MILA application, over different modules like notification, payment, test cases, and an express-rest structure using Node typescript version and Dockers.

I have worked on an Ionic application(ionic version 3), deploying a mobile app for android and apple stores.

I have worked on a web crawler for camping.info extraction of data to test the web durability against any cyber attack.

Worked on different technologies like google tag manager, salesforce, WordPress, and logz.io, Created and deployed a new npm package repository in the npm registry.


2018-06 - 2019-07           

Application Engineer

Kenvent Technology Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru.

I have worked on a B2Csoftech web app for an online examination portal using MEAN stack and Web hosting and deployment at AWS EC2.

I have implemented a backend for Refixya (an in-company web app), 80shops(a shopping web app) web application using micro-service architecture ( Node-Express Architecture and Dockers), and a Database at AWS MariaDB engine.

I worked on R&D for an Artificial intelligent bot a flight booking assistant(domain-specific) using api.ai tools and Node. JS(partially done in python).

I have worked on a Hybrid application for Boappa mobile app.(using angular 2, Node.JS). Implemented backend for Teach70 Super admin web app (an education management app) using Node stack (JavaScript, express, NodeJS, Underscore templating).

Wrote RESTAPIs in python(bottle framework) for daily settlement reports of stealth mode multiplatform beverages app project.

Created database using Hasura platform(build using MySql).



2013 - 2016 B.Tech Department Of Computer Science, Sistech, Bhopal


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