Jeevan -Dot Net -5 Yrs
- Hands-on Experience in Dot Net MVC, MVVM Framework
- Good Knowledge of Javascript, JQuery, And Other Scripting Languages
- Experience in MS SQL database for database designing and architecture
- Major Role Requirement gathering and Analysis, Project Solution and Architecture, Implementation, Development, and Deployment.
- Proficient in managing projects related to Asp.Net, which includes implementation, architecture, and development of custom modern solutions.
- Hands-on experience in various cloud platforms like Amazon AWS to set up the windows serverand perform the deployment/ SSL binding.
- Good Experience in integrating any third-party API and services into the existing system
- Good Knowledge About Project Structure In Layers
in Programming Language
ASP.Net MVC, Webforms, .Net Core, C#, .net core, WEB API, MVVM, WCFservice, window application,, Entity Framework
Scripting Language
Jquery, JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular
Designing Language
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
AWS, DevOps
MS SQL, No SQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB
- Project Name: Optiam USDA (Andromeda Systems Incorporated)
- Optiam USDA is Enterprise Asset Management software. In this project open a loan accountand its work under the following activity case assigned, foreclosure contested, foreclosure un- contested, Property preservation, property valuation, bankruptcy, reo, post & pre reo,
Eviction, mediation, general inquiry, etc and each activity completes step by step. It's an asset management system web-based application used for mortgage and loan-related services.
- Case Creation- Activity Creation (Case Assigned) and send message to the client in the XML file format. Client closeout Activity steps. Here client third party and messages send using APIand also receive a message from the client. There are 4 clients to send and receive a messagein xml format. Xml includes a data field and multiple documents.
- Create Amount transaction, batch file creation, and billing statement generation.
- WCF services: auto Execute: mailing system, send information, reminder sending, batch file creation.
- Graph: Volume trend chart, pie chart, Performance monitoring.
Tools & Technologies: MVC 4, C#, ADO.NET, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, AngularJs, JavaScript, Jquery,SQL Server, WCF Services.
Role: Sr. Software Developer
- AWS instance: daily take AMI and mail to the client.
- Deployment and unit testing (Manual Testing).
- Guide to Jr. Developer.
- Attending client demos and group calls.
- Analysis of exception and resolution.
- Monitoring and renewal of Domain and SSL certificates.
- Project Name: Mighty Guard Attendance Application(Web App and API)
- Super-Admin Manage All Company
- Admin Manage All Employee
- User Login by Mobile App and logout: mobile send location and image at the login/logouttime.
- Admin Can Manage device: register, lost, lock, play siren
Tools & Technologies: C#, ADO.NET, SQL Server, MS Visual Studio 2017, MS SQL SERVER 2014, IIS, SVN, Araxis merge.
Role: Sr. Software Developer
- Involved in Analysis, Development, deployment, and Demonstration to clients.
- Involved in a client meeting for support and maintenance.
- Analysis of exceptions and resolution.
- Performed unit testing (manual) and fixed the issues that occurred during the testing process.
- Project Name: Indian Oil Pvt. Ltd. [API, Admin panel and User Panel]
- Section (Depo) Creation
- Section (Depo) wise Upload Document like PDF, Excel & word Files
- Share Document to Depo
- All Sharing information depo and document wise
- Login/Logout Module
- Event Mgmt
Tools & Technologies: MVC 4, C#, ADO.NET, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, AngularJs, JavaScript,SQL Server
Role: Sr. Software Developer
- Involved in Analysis, Development, deployment, and Demonstration to clients.
- Involved in a client meeting for su