Jeet (RID : 19gk1l7bpsqq9)

  • Senior Software Engineer
  • Ahmedabad


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


6 Years



Work From





Jeet Raval Senior Software Engineer 6+ years of experience in the design, development, and support of mobile applications using Android technology. 15+ Applications developed on various Android versions and various domains like social media, entertainment, business, maps, etc. Project Experience Habari Duration: 6 months (Overall ~1.5 Years) App link: The Habari application is the extended version of the GT Bank application. This application provided various domains under one roof. Major features of the application include Music Play, shopping, Event management, Personal management. This will provide users with their virtual wallets which they can use to buy various goods from their wide range. It's Africa's biggest application for all-in-one services. Responsibilities: Developing payment functionalities in line with business requirements. Sync the project with the Android & Design Team & Web Team. Deploy and Deliver the Product. Enetra Duration: 10 months Enetra is an application which is helpful for the blind people. It has many features like object detection, face recognition, English OCR, Hindi OCR, Color detection, Barcode scan, Gender and age detection, live streaming, doctor request and obstacle detection. The concept works for the mobile app camera as well as hardware camera. We can add a hardware camera to the specs which is connected to a mobile device via bluetooth, BLE, Wifi or hotspot. We can fetch images from mobile cameras or hardware cameras and the app will tell us the result. We have used Firebase ML-kit and Tensorflow for detection models. We have created our own tensorflow models with data training for tensorflow. For the live streaming feature, we are having a volunteer app as well where users can help the blind people via chat. The stream from the mobile camera/hardware camera is visible in the volunteer app. Doctors can also register in this app where blind users can call the nearest doctor via video call. We have used AWS kinesis, AWS cognito and AWS webrtc services for the same. Responsibilities: Communication with client and sharing updates and taking care of the Product. Working with 2 developers for the app. Deploy and Deliver the Product. Kaa-Yaa IoT Duration: 2 months (Overall ~4 months) Kaa-Yaa IoT is an application where the user will be wearing a suit with multiple sensors and the app will be creating an animation according to the data of the sensor. The sensors will be connected with the app by BLE. All data would be coming through the byte arrays and it will be having the values of accelerometer and gyroscope. According to the data, the app will analyze the pattern that how the user is moving and it will show the animation accordingly. Responsibilities: Communication with client and sharing updates and taking care of the Product. Developing various functionalities. Sync the project with the Android & Design Team. Deploy and Deliver the Product. Transportation Duration: 6 months Transportation is an app for the school bus management system. There are 4 types of users like Parents, Coordinators, Attendants and Drivers. Parents will be adding the trips for his children from the app. The coordinator can track the trips and assign Attendant and Driver to various buses. Attendants will track if a student is present or not and make sure the safety of children. The driver will have an option for navigation in google map and will drive the bus to school. Responsibilities: Developing various functionalities in line with business requirements. Sync the project with the Android & Design Team. Deploy and Delivers the Product. WYA-now Duration: 6 months Play Store Link: WYA-Now is a location-based app that stands for Where You At Now. In this app users can share their location with their friends for a certain amount of time. In phase-2 we developed social media where users can update their posts. Users can upload an image and user’s friends can like and comment on the post. Another feature was adding users into the family. When a family mode is on, the other member can track the location of the family. So the user can track his/her child. Responsibilities: Developing various functionalities in line with business requirements. Sync the project with the Android & Design Team. Deploy and Deliver the Product. Nalagenetics Duration: 2 months This is an app where users can consult a provider for medicine. Users can chat with a provider. Users can add reminders for the medicines which the user has to take. Users can also report his health in the app and also can see the graph of the last 7 days in the app. The same thing provider can also check and give the medicines accordingly. Responsibilities: Communication with client and sharing updates and taking care of the Product. Sync the project with the Android & Design Team. Deploy and Deliver the Produc
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