Hemant (RID : 12et5l4secphd)

  • Dotnet+ Angular Developer
  • West Bengal, India, India,


$ 21.43 (Hourly)


13 Years



Work From





  • Summary 13+years of IT experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle SDLC such as planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance as dot net and Angular Developer.
  • Worked using Agile Methodologies like Scrum for Sprint Deliverables.
  • Extensive knowledge of applying Object Oriented Analysis and Design OOAD for modeling a system as a group of interacting objects.
  • Extensive experience using Microsoft Technologies .NET Framework 4.5.1, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0, 1.x , C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, WCF, Web API, .Net Core, WWF,WPF, LINQ, ADO.NET, JavaScript, jQuery, Visual Studio 2019/2017/2013/2012/2010/2008/2005/2003/2002,WebMatrix,Microsoft FrontPage .
  • Expertise in developing N-tier web applications using C#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET AJAX, Web Services, Entity Framework, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular Js, Angular, Razor, CSS, Themes for producing more flexible and highly scalable client/server environment.
  • Experience in using WCF for building web services and hosted them using multiple end points.
  • Extensive experience in developing XML, REST, Web Services to expose useful functionality to web users through describing them using WSDL and consuming them.
  • Having experience in API integration FCM(google cloud messaging),HMRC(Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs).
  • Experience in using Language-Integrated Query LINQ query and retrieve data from different data sources LINQ to Objects, LINQ to XML, and LINQ to SQL .
  • Effectively used Entity Framework code first for performing database operations.
  • Created database objects in SQL Server 2008/2012/2014/2017 including complex Stored Procedures, triggers, cursors, tables, and views and other SQL joins.
  • Implement experiences TCP Listener, FCM (Google Firebase Cloud Messaging), BAC Net (Building Automation Control Networking), Signal R, Modbus (rs485), Sophos Ovpn, OVPN Automation.
  • Experience on reporting and third party tools Crystal Report, SSRS, Component One, Kendo UI, Infragistics, DevExpress.

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