Gayathri (RID : 14f6gl57rbyml)

  • Mule Soft Developer
  • Hyderabad , India,


₹ 161,000 (Monthly)


3 Years



Work From



Mule ESBRAML Based ApplicationsSQL Server 2012GitHub.


3 years of experience in Mule Soft. Have done many projects in Mule Soft. I am a Certified Mule Soft Developer.

Technical Skills:


Mule ESB, RAML Based Applications, SQL Server 2012, GitHub.

Languages: Java

Tools Any point Studio, Any point Platform, GitHub, Post Man, Jenkins.

Major Skills: Designing API using RAML-based coding in Any point Platform. Developing the mule applications in Any point Studio.

Using different connectors like Database, HTTP, and SFTP connectors. Implementation of flows, sub-flows, and private flows.

Operating Systems: Windows 10

Project Experience

Project 1 CRM (Customer Relations Management)


The CRM is responsible for storing the information of customers accessing the online retail portal. This data is used in all the purchases done i.e., orders placed and also customer membership-related information. In today's retail world majority of the transaction happens online compared to transactions that happen in physical stores. The mule application fully followed an API LED architecture.


Implementing the RAML 1.0 in API Designer and HTTP methods. Implementing the API using API-Kit router in Any point Studio. Implementing the fragments and examples in API Designer.

Implementing the flows and sub-flows performs the data weave transformation in the transforming message.

Developed M Unit Test cases for APIs in the project. Deployed the application in Cloud Hub through ARM.

Team Size 6

Project Duration 12 Months

Project 2 DLG B4C


Direct Line Group is the largest insurance provider in the UK which was established as the insurance division of RBS bank which in turn has many subsidiaries. DLG implementations have Guide wire products for each Policy, Claim, and Billing center. where all transactions take place further connectivity between different third-party systems for complete digitalization. We have been playing a major role in connectivity between all X-Centre and third-party systems eliminating point-to-point communications


Receiving the requirements from Business Analysts for the respective sprints.

Designing of Low-Level design which simplifies the requirements for the developers.

Designing mule flows for the integration of external sources to respective endpoints.

During the project development, using different services like SOAP, and RESTFUL-based web services and developing the flow with different endpoint connectors like Database, transformers, data weave, VM Queue, etc.

Implemented Dynamic- parallel processing for multiple requests. Writing M-Unit test cases for the mule flows for performing unit testing

Team Size 5

Project Duration 14 Months

Project 3 IC and Russell


Link Group connects millions of people with their assets including equities, pension and superannuation, investments, property, and other financial assets. Link Group is the largest provider of services in Australia's superannuation administration industry, which services the fourth largest pension pool in the world based on funds under management.

Responsibilities :

Designing RAMLs using MuleSoft API manager.

Creating API which involves designing RAML using API Manager and implementing business logic in mule flows.

Using Maven to build Mule applications.

During the project development, using different services like SOAP, RESTFUL based web services, and developing the flow with different endpoint connectors like Databases and transformers

Following best practices like using domain projects for common configurations, and developing common logging and error-handling frameworks.

Creating M-Unit test cases to test all the flows.

Team Size 5

Project Duration 12 Months

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