Fernandus (RID : w6pjl2o9unsw)

  • Node JS & PHP Developer
  • Jaipur, India


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


6 Years



Work From



Node.JSPHP frameworkJqueryLaravel MagentoMySQL MongoDBAWSExpress.jsAngular



Project Name: VICTOR

Technology: Node JS Express JS, Angular 9, MySQL.

Cloud : AWS, EC2, S3, Lex, Polly, Lambda, Cloud Front, Route53, Certificate Manager & SES

Project Summary: AI enabled coaching bot that interacts with the customers on various levels to analyze their business needs and provide solutions to overcome their pain


Project Name: STIDDLE

Technology: NodeJS Expressjs, MySQL, MongoDB, AngularJS, FB business manager (Ads, Commerce)

Cloud: AWS, EC2, S3, AutoScaling & Load balancer.

Project Summary: A centralized FB Ads management where customers get full access to the digital materials to create Ads. They can build Landing page, appointment

schedulers, banners, etc on the same platform to publish their ADS

Project Name: RYLI

Technology: NodeJS, Angular 7, MySQL

Cloud: AWS, EC2, S3, MediaLive, MediaPackage, CloudFront Platform: Web, Mobile App

Project Summary: An eCommerce B2C application where Clients can recruit models for live/Vod streaming to sell the products to customers.

Project Name: times

Technology : NodeJS, MySQL

Cloud: AWS, EC2, S3, NFS, Azure, AutoScaling & Load balancer.

Project Summary: An eCommerce B2B application that has a unique business strategy to reach business customers

Project Name: Vouched 4 U

Technology: Node JS sails.js, MySQL, Angular 5, AWS Cloud

Google Cloud App: iOS / Android

Project Summary: Application that targets customers based on referral rewards and deals to Hotels, Restaurants, Food Delivery, & supermarkets.

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