Deepika (RID : 6v6vls8net2y)

  • Sr. Software Engineer
  • Noida, India


$ 11.00 (Hourly)


5 Years



Work From



Angular 2HTMLNode.JSAngular 7full stack developmentlaravelCodeignitorCore PhpPHP framework


1:     Fintch.

  • Description:    This FinTech project is an invoice discounting platform, The idea is to solve the SME’s liquidity issues. There are different set of Investors who wanted to get the better return on the investment, at the same time there are SME’s who wanted to increase the liquidity to increase their productivity. SetuPay platform is filling this gaps.
  • Technologies Used: Angular,NodeJS,PostgreSQL


2.B2B Market Place:

where buyer and seller creates their own close loop groups and only approved buyer can have the orders of the approved sellers. .

  • Worked as an full-stack developer to manage front end as well as the backend.
  • Understand the requirements
  • Created the backend services and application layer using spring and hibernate.
  • Implementation of the work flows.

3. DFI Customer Portal:
DFI Customer portal is an web based portal, where user can search and access there on-going car insurance claims, The portal provide features to upload the pending documents of the customers.

  • Worked as an Angular Developer.
  • Understand the requirements
  • Created the backend services and application layer using spring and hibernate.
  • Implementation of the work flows.

4. Claim Management

Claim Management is an web based portal, designed for the dealerships and repair shops, where dealerships can search for the vehicles and based on the coverage of the vehicles they can initiate the different types of claims like GAP, PDR, TW etc.

  • Worked as an Angular Developer.
  • Responsible for the implementation of the complete end to end functionalities.
  • The portal is accessing the barcode and camera access to take pictures.


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