Projects & Contributions
Project 1: Physical Therapy through AI:
Contribution : Involved in designing UI, created smooth animations, and store and retrieve data to generate the
report at the end.
Firebase Crashlytics
Android Animations
Multi-screen designs
Technology : Used Kotlin as the first-level language for entire project. Used Room library for Database and Retrofit
for networking.
Project 2: Vital Signs through AI:
Contribution : Created the design for Mobile App and for HELLO device. Store the retrieved the data of User to
generate the Vitals at later stage.
Technology : Used Kotlin as the first-level language for entire project. Used Room library for Database and Retrofit
for networking.
Project 3: Data Acquisition App:
Contribution : Designed the project and implement different sensors with video recording functionality.
Technology : java at Android level and Google ML-KIt is used to detect the face of the person.
Project 4: Online Studio Bookings:
Contribution : Re-designed the project from existing user interface and implemented payment
gateway for the subscription of classes.
Technology : java and XML for programming Android app and Stripe as a Payment Gateway.
Project 5: News Reader App:
Contribution : Re-designed an existing project with added functionalities like smoothen reading experiece by
implementing an animations and Text to Speech services.
Technology : java at Android level and Built-in Android system Text to Speech API for reading the news
Project 6: Airline Passenger Chat App:
Contribution : Created a project from the scratch. Calculated the distance based on the updated location of user
and notify accordingly and implemented the chat functionality.
Technology : java at Android level, Google Maps API and CometChat for chat functionality
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