Avaneesh (RID : 6v6vls8oassk)

  • MERN Stack Developer
  • Noida, India


$ 7.00 (Hourly)


3 Years



Work From



Node.JSReact JSNextJSMongo DB


Project 1:                                SetuPay.

  • Team Size:                  Seven.
  • Description:                SetuPay is an invoice discounting platform, The idea is to solve the SME’s liquidity issues. There are different set of Investors who wanted to get the better return on the investment, at the same time there are SME’s who wanted to increase the liquidity to increase their productivity. SetuPay platform is filling this gaps.
  • Technologies Used:NestJS, NextJS,PostgreSQL, NodejS

Project 2:                                Target Management System.

  • Team Size:                  Four.
  • Description:                This application is used by an AR Mobile application to manage there user’s and target’s for the Manufacturing Unit’s.
  • Technologies Used:NextJS, NodejS

Project 3:                                Face-Off .

  • Team Size:                  Eight.
  • Description:                This is an short video app for the Talents and Challenge sharing. The backend api’s are designed in the NodeJS
  • Technologies Used:NextJs, NodejS


Project 4:        Hunger Food project

  • Description: This is a Swiggy Like Project. In this anyone can order food online. It’s has lots
  • of functionality like Add to cart, making Express API private using JWT token.
  • Learning: In this I learn how to make API using Express and how to fetch data from API to
  • React.js using axios and Hooks and how to store and fetch data from MongoDB
  • and Map data in React.js and how to apply crud operation how to store data in
  • local storage using JavaScript and JSON. In this I also learn how to make website
  • responsive using Bootstrap and CSS Grid and FlexBox.

Technologies Used:  ReactJs, NodejS

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