Ankit (RID : g9pbkxzzw226)

  • Data Scientist
  • Jaipur, India


$ 26.00 (Hourly)


5 Years



Work From



PythonSQLKerasPandasLinearRegressionRandom Forest KNN



Demonstrated sound business judgment, well-developed planning, analytical and communication skills, and a consistently high level of performance in a variety of progressively responsible and challenging roles. I have provided solutions and consultation to mid and large clients. I am accustomed to a fast-paced environment where deadlines are a priority and can handle multiple jobs, simultaneously. I have a strong desire to learn and seek out new relevant technologies.

Junior Data Scientist

Project: Precast Structure Compressive Strength.

 Proposed Random Forest regressor model to predict the erected precast structures' compressive strength. Able

to achieve RMSE 7.34.

 Performed data preprocessing techniques. Used KNN imputer to handle missing values. Performed feature

engineering and scaling on various features.

 Experimented with various algorithms like Linear Regressor, Decision Tree, Support Vector, Naïve Bayes.

 The model is in the testing phase with our trusted clients. The proposed goal is to reduce the time of concrete manufacturing

by 17-22%.

Project: Sales Insight Dashboard For MEP Equipment.

 Built a sales insight dashboard using Tableau which proved 10% cost saving on total spent. Saved 20% time for

sales analysts by stopping manual data gathering.

 Used AIMS Grid for project planning and defining purpose, stakeholders, success criteria, final result.

Coordinated among stakeholders through RFI and Kick-Off.

 Performed ETL using MySQL and Tableau. Used star schema to define relations among customers, data,

markets, product, and transactions tables from the Sales database.

 Employed feature engineering on transaction table by adding a new features like normalized amount, profit, and

profit margin.

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