Profile Summary
C#, Asp.Net C#, Asp.Net MVC, Core MVC, WEB-API, Angular 2.0, Entity Framework Code first approach, LINQ, Design patterns, N-tier architecture, Custom architecture, Asp.Net identity and membership Model, Web-Scraping, HTML Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, HTML, CSS.
MS-SQL, MySQL, Sybase SQL Anywhere, SQLLight.
NUnit, Moq (Unit Test), Selenium (Automated Testing)
Angular 2.0
Project Management tools
JIRA, AceProject, Basecamp, ASANA, ZenHub, Pivotal tracker, TeamWork, and Trello.
Code Management tools
SVN, DevOps, Github and BitBucket.
Google, Facebook
Project Details
Client: Indiasthan
Role: Software Developer
This Project has multiple web applications. In this application we provide details of shops, schools, gardens and many more other places.
• Creation of Asp.Net MVC Core solution .
• Resolving bug when it comes.
Client: Service Provider in automobile Industry
Role: Software Developer
This Project has multiple web applications. This is a ERP Application. This project application is responsible to provide every aspects of service which required for a vehicle.
• Creation of Asp.Net MVC solution and create multiple Areas for a different types of
• Web API for iOS and android application.
• Resolving bug when it comes.
Client: Service Provider in-stock house
Role: Software Developer
This Project has multiple web applications. This is a ERP Application. This project application is responsible to access to the current exchange rate of companies which are registered in the Canadian stock exchange.
• Creation of Asp.Net MVC solution and create multiple Areas for different type of
Users like customer, admin interface.
• Web API for android application.
• Resolving bug when it comes.
Client: Build IT Digital
Role: Software Developer
I worked on this project as a support software developer. This project was developed for Tulsa University. We used Composite CMS for this project. Where my role was to create a custom user control for composite CMS.
• Creation of web application with Composite CMS and create multiple user controls for different type of features like payment gateway, Blogs.
• Resolving bug when it comes.
Environment: Visual Studio 2013,2015, MS SQL Server 2012
Client: Optic lenses provider
Role: Assistant Software developer
This project involves complex design structure to transform to the User friendly CRM where Customers can easily select optic lenses as per their choice. This web application provides Web API support to android and iOS application.
• Backend support which involves writing of complex stored procedures and queries on MS SQL- Server Database.
• Creation of web forms and writing of front-end code to give customer a functionality to manage their Optic products.
• Resolving bug when it comes.
Key Skills and Knowledge
Asp.Net C#
Asp.Net MVC
Asp.Net Core MVC
Angular 2.0
Entity Framework Code first approach
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