Amit (RID : 4kv2lq3qp4fr)

  • Ios Developer
  • Noida, India,


$ 11.61 (Hourly)


7 Years


2 Week

Work From


iOSObjective-C or Swift XCODE


  • Responsible for planning and coordinating all the activities required to perform, monitor, and report on the projects.
  • Responsible for application development in Objective-C & SWIFT & Cocoa Touch framework for iOS platform.
  • Responsible for communicating with the Clients (if required).
  • Responsible for maintenance of Enterprise Applications including integration issue.
  • Responsible for the effective implementation of the application and carries out the respective reporting procedure.
  • Identify, initiate, schedule and conduct incident reviews to ensure proper development of application.
  • Defining suitable methodology to undertake the project with the available inputs, Identifying documents related to components and maintaining detailed study of the same as per the product changes & modifications.
  • Design patterns used: MVVM, MVC, Singleton, Target action, Delegation etc.
  • Open source libraries used: AFNetworking, Alamofire, and Cocoa pods etc.
  • iOS API & Frameworks Used: CocoaTouch, Core Location, MapKit, iBeacon, BLE , Push Notification, RESTful API, JSON, Multithreading (GCD, NSOperation), Core Data, KVC, KVO etc.


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