Amit (RID : xjnml32mo90e)

  • Senior Project Engineer
  • Hyderabad


$ 22.00 (Hourly)


10 Years



Work From






 Designed and Coded Web Based websites using C# .NET,ASP.NET,SharePoint, jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJs, and Sql Server.

 Co-ordinate with Clients and Project Leader to implement Software Projects.

 Projects were typically done in small team and ranged the full software development lifecycle of design, implementation, quality assurance and customer support.

 Worked on design, build and testing of software applications with US and UK based clients.

 Built, tested and deployed scalable, highly available and modular software products.

 Strengthened developmental methodologies by introducing a code quality document.

 Designed and developed transactional and analytical data structures.

 Modified existing software to correct errors, adapt to new hardware, and improve performance.

 Worked closely with clients to establish problem specifications and system designs.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

 Performed regression and system-level testing to verify software quality and function before it was released.

 Led a group of 8 engineers in the design, and development of .Net based software solutions.

 Worked on a property product for intranet/internet applications for Company in Ireland (U.K) Onsite with SharePoint,Angular JS, C#.Net, SQL 2008.

Projects Description

DMS (Demand Management System)

Environment: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Designer, Content Database, jQuery, Rest API, CAML

Query, JSOM, SSOM, C#.

Synopsis : Currently I am working on a document management system that we are

developing in SharePoint.: In this project we are developing the functionality as create the request with the requester name and approval name.We are developing reports, email functionality, workflow to maintain the created request, approval process for request, and backward and forward skip. The main motive of both the application is to remove the paper work.

Responsibilities : I am involved in SharePoint development and I am also a part of the requirement phase and UAT to explain the functionality to user. I am also respnsilble to distribute the work in team.

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